Sunday, May 26, 2013

Mary, Margaret and Manifesting
In my previous post, 5th Dimensional Consciousness and the power of intention was addressed. We are in a time of 'renewal and expansion' and observe how these energies are moving through your life. For those living from Spirit, the ability to manifest has never been stronger. 
The following story is a great example of how our ability to attract and manifest has rapidly opened during this time:

My sister, Mary, studied and performed improvisational comedy with the Second City Troupe in Toronto in the early 1990's. As with improvisation, the actors ask the audience for input as to what topics or people to include in their skits. One evening and audience member yelled the name ‘Margaret Atwood’ and Mary played her in the sketch. While not being very familiar with whom she was, Mary did a great job of it – and Margaret Atwood, who happened to be in the audience that night - told her this when they were introduced after the show.

Fast forward to 2013, with Mary living in Windsor and still performing in a professional group. In late 2012, she really began to study  manifesting, focusing her thoughts and surrendering to her highest good. She told me that last week she began thinking about Margaret Atwood and that she should finally read one of her books.  And while thinking about it, she thought it would be great to find one with an autograph.  She put going to a used book store in Windsor on her ‘to do’ list for this week.

A few days later, while in the social room of her condo building, she noticed a hardcover book by Margaret Atwood on the free books shelf. She remembered her thoughts and laughed to herself while thanking the Universe. Two more days passed until she began to read it. On the third page in, the following was inscribed “To Mary, Best Wishes, Margaret Atwood 1993”.
My sister and I chatted and laughed about this until the tears were running down my face. She said that from this, she learned so much that reminds us of the foundation for great manifesting: 1) That thoughts are the basis of all manifesting and 2) it’s the thoughts that we think in a light-hearted way are the ones' that come to fruition most easily.

My blog over the next couple of months will focus on Manifesting. I'll also include the observations and experiences of an ascended level Lightworker (aka myself) in the process - the next couple of months are going to be unique ones in my life and will share this with you!

                                                                                                                                   ~ Love and LIght, Kathy

Kathy Glover Scott is a Reiki Master (Ascended Levels), teacher of the 5th and 6th Dimensional Programs, Certified Matrix Energetics Practitioner whose passion is to teach others of how to evolve with your feet on the ground. Send this blog to others please - especially to those who are intentionally Manifesting in their lives!


Monday, May 6, 2013

Living 5th Dimensional Consciousness

As I begin to write this while on my back deck on a beautiful early summer morning, two crows are flying circles around me, cackling as they pass. They are egging me on, supporting me in writing this. As a twenty year Lightworker, I've felt much loneliness in the past. Learning and believing that I am supported and that my connections are multidimensional - such as these early morning friends - my life feels so full.

Many Lightworkers have a deep sense of loneliness or sadness while on their journey. The key is not to fall in to victim-thinking or self-blame. It is part of the process of learning to live and enlightened life. I've found over the years that this loneliness or sadness is usually the result of a disconnect between a person's energetic vibration and their soul's knowing of how they are meant to be vibrating in this lifetime. And this an be compounded by soul memory of how you energetically lived and the abilities that you had in past lifetimes.

Living in 5th Dimensional Consciousness and higher is so readily available to us now with the new consciousness. In this frequency, spiritual, earth-based beings often find a sense of Home. This Frequency is what many have been searching for and when anchored in it, much of your inner conflict, life conflicts and personal angst falls away. Your need to hold on to it cannot and does not need to hold on when living in this high vibration. Your abilities and gifts (that your higher self knows you have) open and become revealed for you to embrace and develop.
Through the attunements, teachings and symbols in the program that I teach, you are aligned with the 5th Dimension. In the meantime, here are a few tips for you to begin to access and live more fully in these energies:
  • Meditate on ocean energies, connecting with those beings who live there. Use music to help bring you there. Dolphins are a wonderful Gatekeeper for our ability to access and strengthen with ocean energies. See my recent smooch-fest with one. (I'll be sharing more 5th DC stories with dolphins in upcoming blogs).
  • Become an observer of  your own thoughts and language. It is nearly impossible to hold the 5th Dimensional Frequency if most of your day is spent putting yourself down and judging others. Really begin to notice the patterns of your thoughts and words, committing to change your behaviour one pattern at a time.
  • As you move through your day, believe in the Oneness of All. Notice evidence of our interconnection as you move through the day. You'll be surprised at how this increases the number of synchronicities you will begin to experience!!!

~ Love and Light, Kathy