Thursday, June 20, 2013

Manifesting in Las Vegas?

As a veteran Lightworker (with both scars and medals to prove it), my intention as always been to fully enjoy all the Dimensions that we are able to move through and revel in. This includes the 3rd Dimension. When writing down my intentions for 2013, I included allowing my soul to manifest optimal and fun travelling experiences this year. Though Las Vegas was not on my personal radar, a trip connected with my husband's work appeared and fit for both of us to attend. At first, my Lightworker mind questioned the trip, yet quickly surrendered to trusting that my soul had set this up.

Approaching this trip, I knew that going to 'sin city' and its extreme energy could be a challenge for my energy to withstand. Also knowing that the 'thief archetype' is thriving there (the whole place is set up to remove as much energy/money from a visitor as possible), I knew I needed to prepare. Undaunted, I energetically prepared myself with the intention to live from my heart chakra continually, asking Guidance to be with me at all times AND to attract joy-based experiences and people. Based on my intentions, here are some synchronistic experiences that spelled FUN.

One of my Earth Angels, my aunt Gayle, just 'happened to be in Las Vegas' with her daughter Lou the exact same week. In my intentions this year, I also requested the opportunity to spend time with those I love who do not live nearby.

On a practical level, there was a Whole Foods store one bus stop away from our hotel (with being gluten free for over 30 years, this was essential). Upon our arrival at the hotel, I requested a fridge for our room and was quoted $39 per night. While listening to this, I clearly directed my Guides to make it happen for free. In the next breath, the clerk said 'Ok, I'll tell them you need it for medicine'. Bingo.

Upon arriving at our hotel, I kept feeling the presence of crystalline energy. Wondering if someone left one in our room, I looked around but none were there. Two days later, I needed to go to a breakfast in one of the other towers of our hotel, connected by an underground passage to ours. Turning a corner, I noticed an alcove with a display case in each corner holding two of the biggest crystals I have ever seen! Both were quartz from Mt. Ida, Arkansas and held every type of inclusion or rainbow (energy centres) you could imagine! When I laughed out loud, I did get a few weird looks, but I know that you will appreciate it!

I continually met people from all over the world who were visiting for many different reasons. This lead to many spiritual conversations, and a real experience 'of the oneness of all'.

We had purchased tickets for the Cirque du Soleil show, 'O', before our trip, though energetically never felt really connected to the experience. On the evening of the show, 40 minutes after show time it was cancelled due to a technical glitch. Though the others in our group were very disappointed, I felt really O.K. and neutral with a sense that something better will occur.

Then, we were able to get discount tickets for another Cirque show, Ka, This word actually means fire and energetic movement, reflective of our own personal Ka and that of the world as a whole. As soon as I walked in to the theatre, had an overwhelming sense of needing to be here. While sitting in the 6th row of this colourful and active production, I fought sleep. Each time my eyes briefly closed, I felt surrounded by energy and light and left the theatre with a huge sense of expansion that remains.

I could go on for quite a while about the experiences on this trip. Here are some tips for manifesting that came through clearly:

  • Put your soul in charge of manifesting and trust the results. Know that as a Lightworker, that there always is a higher purpose to wherever you find yourself!

  • Give yourself permission to have over-the-top fun - we are far too serious on this journey.

  • Stay in your heart and ask your Guidance to help you do so. When you stay in your heart, you 1)attract that which is for your highest good, 2)repel what is not, and 3)be able to hear the advice of your 'higher self' and your Guides.

  • Don't waste time with disappointment or frustration - feel it and let it going with the belief that something better is in the works!

  • Get out of your comfort zone - things you would never think possible are waiting there for you.

So, for me, what happened in Vegas gladly came home!

~  Love and Light, Kathy

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Manifesting Dr. Who

My 19 year old daughter and I felt compelled for us to take a trip that would give us lifelong memories. Focusing on Ireland and the UK, I asked where she would like to go, she emphatically replied, “Cardiff, Wales!” Her reason: the BBC films ‘Dr. Who’ there.   Now, this 40 year old British science fiction T.V. series is a favorite of our family. My husband has watched it since its inception and our daughter, Tegan, was named after a character on the show.

Prior to our departure, my daughter did her homework. She searched high and low on the internet for locations and sites for filming and any connections that she could make to actually see the show being filmed. She was confident and diligent with her research and intention, though did not have much to go on when we left home.

Upon arriving Cardiff, I napped and she went out to explore local comic book store. With Dr. Who books in hand, she met two young students who remarked on her interest. One of them, a real Dr. Who fan, provided her with a walking tour of filming locations in downtown. It also seems that this person was part of an elite group who kept apprised when and where filming was happening!

So I found myself at 6:30 PM in the cold rain, hopping on a train, to a little town called Caerphilly. This quaint town appeared quite deserted upon our arrival. When we finally found someone and asked “Have you seen any filming around here?” He said, “At the Castle”. My daughter and I looked at each other and said, “Castle?” Walking in the direction where he pointed, we turned a corner and were surprised by a huge medieval castle, complete with a moat, right in front of us. We didn’t see any filming trucks though did find some cable running into the Castle from a power box, giving us a clue that they may be returning.  Though it was two hours after closing, the curator of the museum came out and said that he was working late and that they would be back in the morning to finish. Undaunted, we knew we would return the next day.

Arriving the next morning at 9:30, still in the rain, we purchased an admission to the Castle and tried not to look like stalkers. After about 90 minutes, my intuition directed us to stand in one particular spot. Within five minutes, we looked down the hill and there through a huge stone arch walked Matt Smith, the actor who plays Dr. Who in full attire and directly behind him was Karen Gillan, who plays his 'companion', Amy Pond. See the photos below that will tell you how thrilled my daughter was to manifest Dr. Who!

While reflecting on our experience, I saw how brilliantly my daughter had manifested her dreams. Here are some of the highlights of what she did that can help you as well to bring your most precious desires to fruition:

1) Dream big.

2) Pursue your quest with joy and expectancy.

3) Do your homework.

4) Develop a plan and move to action.

5) Believe that it can occur.

6) Watch for synchronicity; trust your intuition and following it.

7) Never allow magical thinking (believing that something will magically occur to make it happen) to dominate your intention.

8) Lead with the energy of attraction rather than the energy of pursuit. The latter contain fear elements and will actually push your goal away.

9) Carefully choose with whom you share your plan. Make sure that the person is someone who approaches life with the belief of abundance rather than scarcity, a person who strives to live a fearless life, and who really has your best interest at heart.

10). Have fun! Avoid becoming overly serious when manifesting. Be in the frequency of joy, allowing worry and ‘expectation of outcome’ to fall away. Have an adventure!

~ Love and Light, Kathy