Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Holiday Blessings to YOU!

You made it through 2014! Yahoo. For Lightworkers, it has been a challenging year in many ways. Lots of earth and celestial shifts combined with such a high frequency of energy for us to access. Have you had a year of spontaneous, unstoppable growth and changes placing you more firmly on your soul path? You are not alone. 

I'd like to share with you my encounter with an Angel on this date many years ago:

Had December ever been so cold and empty?  This twelfth month completed a year that had left me confused, exhausted and lost.  It certainly was an eventful year.  I was hired fresh out of university as a child protection worker in the spring.  In June, my father died unexpectedly – a broken man.  And my new (first) marriage was crumbling around me.
            The Christmas season arrived with its joy and excitement, yet I stayed detached.  December 23rd was my focus – the last day of work before a break and the chance to grieve my losses.
            There was one final child protection case in court on that date.  For several months, I had assisted a teen mother through coordinating the services she needed for her beautiful daughter.  Several months before, she had been born with several life threatening challenges.  (Her mother truly loved her, but due to her own life experiences and challenges, she was unable to consistently care for her daughter and our agency’s help was required).
            The court hearing that day was a formality to extend the Order allowing us to remain involved and assisting them.  Everyone was in agreement. As we sat in the waiting room, the mother asked me to hold her fragile baby.  Instinctively, I knew there was something very wrong.  The baby’s colour slowly became more ashen before my eyes.  Though the lawyers and judge wanted us to remain for the hearing, and the mother (in her fear) refused medical help, I whisked the baby myself to the nearby emergency room.
            In the emergency room, tensions were high.   On one side of me, this frightened mother and her family were yelling at me, saying that I had stolen their baby and it was Christmas.”  On the other side, the physician praised my quick action as I prevented the child’s death.  The baby was admitted to the hospital where it remained for some time.
         The walk alone down the corridor to leave was long. Numbness and hopelessness surged through my body. The elevator door in front of me opened, and I stumbled in.  My eyes were glued to the floor.  Something told me to look up and to the left.  Standing there was a man with the same tall, thin build as my father.  He looked at me with my father’s blue eyes framed by his same unique glasses.  Warmth washed over me, and I knew deeply within myself that everything was fine. I knew that even though I was engulfed in grief, fatigue and fear, that I was safe.  After the elevator emptied, I looked for him and he was gone.
            Do I believe in angels?  This experience confirmed it for me forever.  You know, they are around us waiting to assist – yet not always taking a form we immediately recognize.
            My father had some real challenges in his life, yet he had a pure soul. He taught us to help those in need – though at times we received aid from our church and other organizations. Know that Acts of Kindness are never random.  Opportunities are put in front of you daily to expand your spiritual journey and connect you at a deeper level with your soul self. You will be challenged to the point of breaking at times, yet the more you step up in service to others, the greater the Gifts you will receive.  
           Be open to seeing Angels in your life.  Respond to the opportunities placed before you.   And you never know that the smelly person swaddled in blankets in a doorway may be an Angel put on your path!

~ Love and Light, Kathy Glover Scott 

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