Friday, December 11, 2015

Keeping Us Out of the Fray

The word 'fray' refers to a battle, skirmish or challenge that is particularly 'hard on the nerves.' My Guidance is telling me that the powers that be are working to keep high vibrational Lightworkers out of the fray at this time. So if any of the following are showing up in your life, take them as a sign of how loved and guided you are:

  • Having a sudden illness or accident that keeps you from being in large crowds. 
  • A quick change of plans or detour that is unexpected, including others changing their plans involving you. 
  • The inner desire to be more introverted, even if you are usually an extroverted person. 

Though these experiences may be particularly challenging as the festive season is upon us, know that they are part of the higher plan for your soul journey. Do not use your energy to fret or feel guilty. Right now, you are needed to do the following:

Make choices for your focus for 2016. Until now, many Lightworkers have been extremely scattered - jumping from one spiritual experience or learning to another. 2016 is the year of being more focused on your soul journey. 

Excavate yourself. What patterns, beliefs or internal operating systems are you still living by that no longer serve you. Write them down, choosing one at a time and making changes and doing inner healing or seeking help to release them. Lightworkers are required to unpack the old to make room to receive the new. 

Visit my Facebook page ( to find a link to the most recent video by the astrologer, Sonja Francis, that speaks to this. Like my page while you are there!

Love and Light, Kathy Glover Scott 

Monday, November 30, 2015

Lightworker's Overcoming Tests of Initiation 

As you evolve spiritually, you are given stronger intuitive knowing and grace to deal with life's challenges. It's important to stop thinking of these life issues as problems and begin to think of them as Tests of Initiation. 

A Test of Initiation usually involves an obstacle that is put in your path (or repeatedly shows up in your path) that pushes you to use a multi-dimensional approach to its solution. This means that you are to use any combination of physical, mental, emotional or spiritual approaches to overcome it. These Tests of Initiation are 1)part of your soul's learning path and 2) your response lets the Universe know if you are ready to move to the next level of consciousness. 

Two Tests of Initiation common for Lightworkers right now:

Plugging Energy Leaks: You are being challenged to really see, own and solve how you lose, waste or leak your Chi through the choices that you make. Become an observer of how this happens for you. Examples of energy leakage include: getting caught in brain chatter and self-doubt as a Lightworker, allowing others of lower vibration to dominate your life, or any form of addiction or 'over behaviour' i.e overeating, being judgmental, overspending. 

Once you begin to notice and shift how you maintain your energy, you'll see how quickly your Chi increases and your spirituality expands. 

Interpersonal Relationships: Right now, Lightworkers are really being challenged to make choices about the relationships in their life that optimally support their soul path. 

Try this: take two blank sheets of paper. Draw a circle in the center of one page. Write your name in the center of the circle.Then, put the names of all the significant people in your life around the circle. The more influential someone is in your life, the closer they are to the circle. Now, take a second piece of paper and draw another circle in the middle with your name on it. On this sheet, take these same names and put the one's closest to the circle who are the most supportive and caring for you on your spiritual path. Compare the two sheets without judgement. Reflect on how you can enables shifts that provide you the greatest support. 

~ Love and Light, Kathy

Monday, November 23, 2015

Solutions for Two Current Lightworker Issues

1)Many Reiki Practitioners and Lightworkers are having challenges with neck, upper back and shoulders. The new energies that arrived about two weeks ago are opening up this space to more Light. Often people experience physical issues as part of the expansion process.
Here is a strategy to help:
Apply Reiki in the space between the Heart and the Throat Chakras asking the energies to settle in. The more grounded you are when doing this, the better. A great technique begins with your feet flat on the floor, really focusing your root chakra energy to connect downward with the Earth. Think of or feel roots unfurling from the bottom of your feet and moving deeply into the Earth, even wrapping them around a rock or letting them find a pool of water. Then place your hands (touching together) in that space and remain for 12 minutes. Then unfurl the roots, knowing you have them whenever you need them.
2)High Vibrational people are reporting challenges with people most close to them in their life. Know that as your vibration rises (which it is now) it challenges those closest to you to keep up! Two words for you - Boundaries and Compassion. Even though we are all connected, and Lightworkers are particularly sensitive to the energies of others, keeping boundaries is essential to spiritual expansion. Surround yourself in Golden Light. Send compassion to the other person and be sure that you are not trying to rescue them!
~ Love and Light, Kathy Glover Scott 

December is Relationship Month - subscribe to this blog 
so you don't miss a thing!

One of my visions is to have as many people as possible read my 
new book Core of Self. Lightworkers are so hungry for inner strength 
and foundational tools. Supporting Core of Self covers my costs 
and enables me to continue to publish!

You can read more about Core of Self and 
how to order or

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Mainstream Recognizing Consciousness

Interesting article from Vanity Fair about the shift of consciousness that is occurring. Great quotes by Krista Mitchell, the Crystal Whisperer and friend...

Let me know what you think.... Love and Light, Kathy

Monday, August 31, 2015

Reiki Duck

When you set aside time in your life to slow down and feel the rythm, it provides the opportunity for new awareness and synchronicities to appear. In our gotta go, move, do and extroverted world, unplugging needs to be a conscious decision. A big part of this is trust. 

Trust that Spirit works through you in the times of calm. Trust too that the time for integration of new learning and higher vibration is an absolute essential to your soul expansion. 

Though I've been living the Reiki Consciousness and teaching others for nearly 20 years, being unplugged over the past 6 weeks has reintroduced me to it. Each day, I've experienced  Reiki's grace and support in a new way, seeing how it continues to evolve as we do. The next story is part of this... 

I am at the lake completing the edits to my new book Reiki and Crystals. While meditating by the water, a Mama wild mallard duck and her 4 nearly grown children swam up. (I've had herons, otters, snapping turtles, beavers and large fish show up in the past when meditating there, so I was not surprised). 

Inspired to focus on one of the young, I began to send it 5th Dimensional and Reiki symbols. While the others were busy, it looked at me then climbed up the meter high bank, stopping to stand an arms length from me. Directing Reiki to it, the duck began to sway with its eyes closing. I ended up doing providing some healing for its gullet this way. I felt the process complete before the duck even moved. It stared at me for a while before climbing down the bank to join the others. 

They've been back, even surrounding me at arms length as a group while I swam yesterday. What a gift that I joyfully received. By the way, Duck has been a totem animal for me throughout my life, and I know that when they are around, my father (who passed in 1981) is with me. Here is a pic of my new peeps....

Blessings to YOU! Kathy

One of my visions is to have as many people as possible read my new book Core of Self. Lightworkers are so hungry for inner strength and foundational tools. Supporting Core of Self covers my costs and enables me to continue to publish. Thank-you, Kathy

You can read more about it and how to order or download:

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Top Three Tips for Distance Healers

While assisting an advanced Reiki healer today, she described how she has been woken up the past few evenings with the sense that she is meant to send healing energy. With great dedication,  she has been getting up in the night to meditate and send energy - and not sure of the recipient. She also spoke with me about the type of clients she has been assisting lately, including a woman transiting from this life. 

A light bulb (a.k.a. Guidance speaking to me) went off, realizing that two things were happening for her that are very common for Lightworkers who do distance healing. The first is the need to set clear boundaries and 'rules' for sending before doing so. The second, involves having an incomplete disconnection from the assistance being sent or delivered once she was done.

Both are related to boundaries and the need to be crystal clear in having parameters for your work. Here are three things to consider when you distance heal:

1) What are your 'Rules' for distance practice? Rules are hard-fast parameters that are important to you and let your Guidance system know what is optional for you while being a conduit. 

For the woman previously mentioned, she now sets the rule that when sending or giving a treatment, she will not receive or hold any of the energy or challenges of the person with whom she is assisting. Every issue has a field of energy that Reiki shields you from - but not thoroughly. For a sensitive person tuning in to another, it is easy to absorb some of their physical or emotional experience, even with the shield that Reiki provides for us.  

One of my steadfast rules is that the person is fully open and ready to receive upon my engaging with them - either when distance healing or upon arrival to my office. It is a waste of my time and energy to battle a  person's resistance to opening to receive - I let my Guides (and the person's that I'm assisting) deal with it before I send by distance or for an in-person session. 

2) Clearing your field after a session.  My specialty is working with the healing and expansion of advanced lightworkers. In nearly each session, I find that the person I'm assisting still has chords connecting them to someone they have assisted. We are loving, compassionate people and in the process of our work, deep connections are made with others.Most of these connections end when the session is over, but sometimes they remain. 

So, how do you clear your energy after assisting? Use a few different approaches - such as surrounding yourself in golden light, asking your Guides to clear your field, cleansing any crystals you are wearing, asking Archangel Michael to cut chords you may have with others or putting the Reiki symbols in your energy field with the intention that they are little cleaning machines. If you use others, please add them as a comment to this blog.

I have a selenite rod that I sweep around my entire body after a session. The intention is important - that neither I nor my environment holds onto any energies that do not belong to me. 

3) Close the door to a session when complete. I use this technique whenever I have a lingering energy from a session ten minutes after it is completed. I visualize or think of a door. Mine is usually red with a old fashioned skeleton key in a keyhole. I then put this door between myself and the assistance I gave and lock it with the key. When doing this I ask the Guides to lock in the healing energy for the person or situation and I feel my energy lighten immediately. 

~ Love and Light, Kathy

Update on my practice:

Thank-you for all the support upon moving my the base of my practice to Kanata. Upcoming classes are posted at, as well as info on my new book 'Core of Self'. My specialty is therapeutic and light expansion work with Lightworkers. Let me know if I can assist either in person or by Skype!

You need a strong core of self for soul expansion. Info at 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Celebrate Good Times - Come ON!

You can tell I was a maven of the disco era by the title of this blog. (If you don't know what I mean, check look up Earth, Wind and Fire "Celebrate" on Youtube - after you finish reading please!),

Today is a day of great accomplishment. As someone living an enlightened life, each day is, but this one is  in a very 3rd Dimensional way as well. As Lightworkers, learning to celebrate our earthly accomplishments without feeding the toxic ego is necessary to evolving.

When you have success or a  celebration and you believe that it validates who you are, you feed the toxic ego. This continues the illusion that you are what you do. Living in the Light is persevering each day to see every person and every situation without illusion or projection of your "own stuff." In doing this, you are best able to stay in your heart-center and see everyone and everything as means to expand that Light within you.

My celebration today leaves me covered with mud. Two years ago on July 17th, I had major reconstructive surgery of my right shoulder. Though I didn't share this with many of you, I was told that I had a 20% chance of never being able to use my arm again and that I would never have full use of it. Through surrendering to the process, sitting in my heart-space and fighting the fear, opening fully to all the energy and love sent to me and using all the tools in my own toolbox, I had full range of motion in my shoulder within six months. The look of shock on my surgeon's face said it all!

Two of my life passions are teaching you all through classes and writing and creating pottery. While healing, I visited the void within and experienced the terror of losing the ability to provide hands-on healing and being creative with my hands in my life. As Lightworkers, to evolve, we need to overcome our inner demons  and face our greatest fears.

I am celebrating today as, I threw my first pot on the wheel!!! For me, this is a huge victory over pain and the lower vibrations that try to stop us each day. The picture is embedded with high vibration healing energies so that you can carry this image as a symbol of the power of living life in Grace, gratitude and growth. Here she is:

~ Love and Light, Kathy

To live in the Fifth Dimension, you need a rock solid foundation in the Third Dimension. My new book "Core of Self" shows you how. Visit www. homepage for links for purchase and download information.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

 5th Dimensional Relationships

     After assisting people in relationships for nearly thirty years, I've observed that those of higher evolved connections have its own set of qualities. Here are a few words of wisdom:

     As you evolve and open your heart center, you'll experience connection in a new way. Often, there is an immediate sense of familiarity and 'heart spark'. A few weeks ago, I met a couple and felt a huge 'heart spark' and pure love knowing. Enjoying this in the moment, I later meditated in the experience. Awareness arrived that they had been my sons in a previous life.

     This 'heart spark' experience always involves a past-life or sacred contract connection with a person. Past-life means that the familiarity comes from knowing them 'before.' You may have a sense it it being a positive or challenging relationship in the past, or you may not. And it really doesn't matter. You are simply recognizing them at a spiritual level, knowing that you are meant to meet again in this lifetime. Never assume what the purpose is for meeting in the here and now.

     When you meet someone and have an overwhelming 'heart spark' experience, it may be that you are meeting a Soulmate or Twin Flame. The world today has confused the meaning of Soulmate by romanticizing the term and forgetting the spiritual meaning. A Soulmate is someone with a similar Soul Contract and Soul Purpose in this lifetime. When Soulmates connect, both experience an increase of energy, life becomes brighter and challenges become easier. Soulmates may come together for a short time with a focused purpose that is divinely guided. Longer term relationships and connections can form. Know that actively searching for a romantic soulmate often leads people into intense relationships that fizzle with the same intensity. If you are in a love relationship with a soulmate, this is most often discovered over time and not in an immediate flash of emotion and physical connection.

     A Twin Flame connection is more rare and powerful than with a Soulmate. It definitely has a purpose that comes from Source, with generations of planning to bring you together. When Twin Flames connect, both of their lives open in a new way, with movement for both closer to their usual purposes. Twin Flames can create great relationships, businesses and careers together. Whenever I see anything about the illusionists Penn and Teller, I sense a Twin Flame connection.

     Words of Wisdom: When you have a 'heart spark' on joy-filled energy experience with someone who you see as a potential romantic partner SLOW THINGS DOWN! Avoid getting swept away, with your brain in over-drive planning the future. The most powerful experiences build over time. Stay present, in the moment. Know that if you met a Soulmate or Twin Flame, you have connected for a higher, soul purpose. I've seen way too many times the despair that comes from being swept away. And the despair is not only an outcome of the loss of the relationship. The loss of the potential for heart expression and opportunity living and completing a soul  purpose is also felt.

~ Love and Light, Kathy

My newest book 'Core of Self' is now available! Getting great reviews as being a no-nonsense way of building a strong inner foundation for life and soul expansion.

Book Launch

Friday, June 5th   6:30 to 8:00 pm

At: Singing Pebbles Books

  202a Main Street, Ottawa
(across from St. Paul University) 

Let me know if you are attending!

Where to purchase Core of Self?  Scroll down on my homepage for links!


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The New Freqency of Reiki and Crystals

Forgive me for not blogging in a while - had a 3 month time of being very internal and introspective (with life events keeping me there for a while). The Universe always knows what we require and when - and its timing is impeccable. This gift of time provided me the focus for moving into the final stages of writing Reiki and Crystals: Unleashing the Power of Fire and Ice.  

One of the miracles of Reiki is that every living being can have the Reiki light turned on within and access its limitless possibilities for self and others.  Consider Reiki a spiritual and social revolution. One hundred years ago, we were unaware of Reiki in this form and now there are an estimated 400,000 plus Reiki masters and well over one million practitioners in the world. After the 10,000 years  predominance of masculine energy on the planet, we are experiencing the reawakening of divine feminine on our planet. Reiki's return comes at the same time.  Coincidence? I think not.

Holding the Reiki consciousness is what is required for you to fully unleash the power and wisdom available through working with Reiki and earth energies. Reiki Consciousness means you are fully to and live from Reiki in your being each and every day.  To embrace Reiki in this way you must accept that Reiki is an indefinable, intangible, higher dimensional frequency that your human third-dimensional mind cannot ever fully understand.  Actually, Reiki is not meant to be understood.  It is meant to be trusted, integrated, and activated within you and through you for its higher good and that of others.  Through strengthening your Reiki consciousness you align with your highest self. 

One of the simplest ways to expand your Reiki Consciousness is to keep the words of Dr. Usui in your mind and vision  each and every day.  As he says in his prayer, each morning speak these words and then during the day have these words available to you wherever you go.  You may not always feel connected with the prayer or understand what it really means, yet keep it in your awareness, reading and repeating the words as you can. There is a power embedded in the words of this prayer given to you to strengthen and guide you. There are several, slightly differing forms available of Dr. Usui’s Prayer, yet this is my favorite:

The secret method of inviting blessings.
The spiritual medicine of many illnesses.
For today only anger not, worry not.
Be grateful and humble
Do your work with appreciation.
Be kind to all.
In the morning and at night, with hands held in prayer,
Think this in your mind; chant this with your mouth.
The Usui Reiki Method to change your mind and body for the better
                                                            ~Mikao Usui

 Reiki and Crystals Upcoming Classes

The courses I teach are like no other - I've been given the keys to the New Frequency created by the 5th Dimensional alignment of Reiki and Earth Energies, particularly crystals. 

Next class dates:

Level 1
Date:March 19th and 21st Time:Thursday 6:30, Saturday 10:00 Facilitator:Kathy Glover Scott 

Level 2
Date:Saturday, May 23rd and Tuesday May 26th 
Evenings at 6:30pm, Saturday at 10:00am 
Kathy Glover Scott 

All classes held at Bank and Riverside in Ottawa. 

Visit Reiki Ottawa for more details!