Reiki Duck
When you set aside time in your life to slow down and feel the rythm, it provides the opportunity for new awareness and synchronicities to appear. In our gotta go, move, do and extroverted world, unplugging needs to be a conscious decision. A big part of this is trust.
Trust that Spirit works through you in the times of calm. Trust too that the time for integration of new learning and higher vibration is an absolute essential to your soul expansion.
Though I've been living the Reiki Consciousness and teaching others for nearly 20 years, being unplugged over the past 6 weeks has reintroduced me to it. Each day, I've experienced Reiki's grace and support in a new way, seeing how it continues to evolve as we do. The next story is part of this...
I am at the lake completing the edits to my new book Reiki and Crystals. While meditating by the water, a Mama wild mallard duck and her 4 nearly grown children swam up. (I've had herons, otters, snapping turtles, beavers and large fish show up in the past when meditating there, so I was not surprised).
Inspired to focus on one of the young, I began to send it 5th Dimensional and Reiki symbols. While the others were busy, it looked at me then climbed up the meter high bank, stopping to stand an arms length from me. Directing Reiki to it, the duck began to sway with its eyes closing. I ended up doing providing some healing for its gullet this way. I felt the process complete before the duck even moved. It stared at me for a while before climbing down the bank to join the others.
They've been back, even surrounding me at arms length as a group while I swam yesterday. What a gift that I joyfully received. By the way, Duck has been a totem animal for me throughout my life, and I know that when they are around, my father (who passed in 1981) is with me. Here is a pic of my new peeps....
Blessings to YOU! Kathy
One of my visions is to have as many people as possible read my new book Core of Self. Lightworkers are so hungry for inner strength and foundational tools. Supporting Core of Self covers my costs and enables me to continue to publish. Thank-you, Kathy
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