Monday, November 30, 2015

Lightworker's Overcoming Tests of Initiation 

As you evolve spiritually, you are given stronger intuitive knowing and grace to deal with life's challenges. It's important to stop thinking of these life issues as problems and begin to think of them as Tests of Initiation. 

A Test of Initiation usually involves an obstacle that is put in your path (or repeatedly shows up in your path) that pushes you to use a multi-dimensional approach to its solution. This means that you are to use any combination of physical, mental, emotional or spiritual approaches to overcome it. These Tests of Initiation are 1)part of your soul's learning path and 2) your response lets the Universe know if you are ready to move to the next level of consciousness. 

Two Tests of Initiation common for Lightworkers right now:

Plugging Energy Leaks: You are being challenged to really see, own and solve how you lose, waste or leak your Chi through the choices that you make. Become an observer of how this happens for you. Examples of energy leakage include: getting caught in brain chatter and self-doubt as a Lightworker, allowing others of lower vibration to dominate your life, or any form of addiction or 'over behaviour' i.e overeating, being judgmental, overspending. 

Once you begin to notice and shift how you maintain your energy, you'll see how quickly your Chi increases and your spirituality expands. 

Interpersonal Relationships: Right now, Lightworkers are really being challenged to make choices about the relationships in their life that optimally support their soul path. 

Try this: take two blank sheets of paper. Draw a circle in the center of one page. Write your name in the center of the circle.Then, put the names of all the significant people in your life around the circle. The more influential someone is in your life, the closer they are to the circle. Now, take a second piece of paper and draw another circle in the middle with your name on it. On this sheet, take these same names and put the one's closest to the circle who are the most supportive and caring for you on your spiritual path. Compare the two sheets without judgement. Reflect on how you can enables shifts that provide you the greatest support. 

~ Love and Light, Kathy

Monday, November 23, 2015

Solutions for Two Current Lightworker Issues

1)Many Reiki Practitioners and Lightworkers are having challenges with neck, upper back and shoulders. The new energies that arrived about two weeks ago are opening up this space to more Light. Often people experience physical issues as part of the expansion process.
Here is a strategy to help:
Apply Reiki in the space between the Heart and the Throat Chakras asking the energies to settle in. The more grounded you are when doing this, the better. A great technique begins with your feet flat on the floor, really focusing your root chakra energy to connect downward with the Earth. Think of or feel roots unfurling from the bottom of your feet and moving deeply into the Earth, even wrapping them around a rock or letting them find a pool of water. Then place your hands (touching together) in that space and remain for 12 minutes. Then unfurl the roots, knowing you have them whenever you need them.
2)High Vibrational people are reporting challenges with people most close to them in their life. Know that as your vibration rises (which it is now) it challenges those closest to you to keep up! Two words for you - Boundaries and Compassion. Even though we are all connected, and Lightworkers are particularly sensitive to the energies of others, keeping boundaries is essential to spiritual expansion. Surround yourself in Golden Light. Send compassion to the other person and be sure that you are not trying to rescue them!
~ Love and Light, Kathy Glover Scott 

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