Friday, December 11, 2015

Keeping Us Out of the Fray

The word 'fray' refers to a battle, skirmish or challenge that is particularly 'hard on the nerves.' My Guidance is telling me that the powers that be are working to keep high vibrational Lightworkers out of the fray at this time. So if any of the following are showing up in your life, take them as a sign of how loved and guided you are:

  • Having a sudden illness or accident that keeps you from being in large crowds. 
  • A quick change of plans or detour that is unexpected, including others changing their plans involving you. 
  • The inner desire to be more introverted, even if you are usually an extroverted person. 

Though these experiences may be particularly challenging as the festive season is upon us, know that they are part of the higher plan for your soul journey. Do not use your energy to fret or feel guilty. Right now, you are needed to do the following:

Make choices for your focus for 2016. Until now, many Lightworkers have been extremely scattered - jumping from one spiritual experience or learning to another. 2016 is the year of being more focused on your soul journey. 

Excavate yourself. What patterns, beliefs or internal operating systems are you still living by that no longer serve you. Write them down, choosing one at a time and making changes and doing inner healing or seeking help to release them. Lightworkers are required to unpack the old to make room to receive the new. 

Visit my Facebook page ( to find a link to the most recent video by the astrologer, Sonja Francis, that speaks to this. Like my page while you are there!

Love and Light, Kathy Glover Scott