Thursday, December 29, 2016

Completions and New Beginnings

While driving in the snowstorm this morning I was following a car with the license plate 111. This number means a time of new beginnings. As we close 2016 - a year that challenged Lightworkers and bombarded us with a lot of low vibrational noise - and move into 2017, my Guidance would like me to share the following with you:

"We are oh so proud of how you have remained upright and moving forward through these most trying times. Those that control with fear have been out in force, using the opportunities and dramas created by humans to try to diminish your flame. They were unsuccessful. Though you may be fatigued, know that this is only a temporary state of being."

Along with this, I'd like to offer some suggestions based on messages I've been receiving over the past couple of weeks:

  • January is the time to be more internal, unplugging yourself from the influences of others who do not have your best interest at heart. This includes any fear-based forces trying to diminish your flame. A great example is to notice and steer clear of fear-based conversations connected to the change of leadership in the U.S. in January. 

  • People are very confused energetically right now. This impacts how you think and feel, as well as those around you.  Not a great time to make major life decisions. Know that by mid-March the weight will be lifted, and new opportunities and ease with being a Lightworker in the world will reveal itself. 

  • Use the next few months to build your inner strength - immerse yourself in what builds your inner core of strength. Focus on the lower three chakras and what strengthens them. Then you will be ready for the rebirth of spring!

Love and Light, Kathy Glover Scott 

Sunday, October 23, 2016

The Trump Healing Factor

Since the Presidential Debates began, people -- mainly women -- have been reporting emotional and physical pain stemming from past abuse or sexual assault. Seems that Mr. Trump and his antics are providing the vehicle for women to open up about their long-held secrets. En masse we are now speaking up.

Know that almost all women have experienced inappropriate sexual advances, objectification and assault in some form.

If you have experienced any assault or inappropriate advances, lecherous behavior or felt threatened, then you have experienced energy-stealing. It is time to stop judging whether what you've experienced is significant or important. Your Energy Body does not differentiate its experience based on the severity or length of time since the event.

I am not sayng that all experiences of assault or violation are equal. I am saying that your Energy Body does not differentiate -- what you may perceive as 'small' or 'insignificant' may have huge repercussions to your energy, ability to stay in your heart centre and to live your soul purposes.

Any offender leaves an 'energetic footprint.' After an unwanted sexual or physical experience:

1) Your energy is compromised, impacting your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self.

2) Within your energy field remains toxic residue.

3) Energetic chords may still connect you to the offender. These chords allow that person to continue to siphon your energy -- even years later.

How to Heal Yourself

As an Energy Worker or Reiki Master, you have many profound tools for self-healing. Here are some directions for self-healing at the root cause:

1) Commit to your healing process. Go 'all in' -- not just working on yourself as secondary to the rest of your life. Make this a priority. You will be freed in new ways.

2) Educate yourself about the impact of sexual or physical assault. You will recognize how you have been impacted which you may have never related to this experience.

3) Write down your 'Gameplan' for healing. Which issues or experiences most impact you? Focus on one at a time when meditating or self-healing.

4) When meditating or self-healing, ask/pray for guidance and support for issues to be 'healed at the root cause.'  Connect with the Earth (feet on the floor) with the intention to send released energy to Mother Earth for recycling.

5) Journal your observations with lots of self-compassion. Own your courage!

6) Be open to seeking help and support to move out this energy. You do not have to do this alone. Sexual or physical assault has the energy of secretiveness connected to it which sometimes inhibits seeking help.

~ Love and Light, Kathy Glover Scott 

Core of Self is Kathy's no-nonsense book for Self-Healing and for assisting others.
To see Core of Self Click Here

Monday, August 22, 2016

Reiki, Crystals and the 5th Dimension

Moving more fully into 5th Dimensional Consciousness, as we are rapidly doing today, allows you to access and channel the energies of Reiki, Crystals and Earth elements in a whole new way. Guiding, moving and anchoring people into a 5th Dimensional way of living life is my life passion, purpose and foundation of all the teaching,writing and healing work that I do. 

The reason for this is simple. Why continue to live a life that is based in struggle, fear and the roller coaster of other emotions, when you can live from your Heart Centre, attracting to you the highest vibration and accessing the solutions to all that you require? Living in a State of Grace is so much easier now - especially since you have come through 'shaking out of the past' experienced by Advanced Lightworkers over the past two months. 

I was recently invited to co-create a dialogue about Reiki, Crystals and the 5th Dimension with two amazing Lightworkers: Heather Garrod of and Diane Lanthier of -both located in Ottawa, Canada. Here it is:

Visit the new Reiki Ottawa website to see my new book Reiki and Crystals: Activating the Power of Fire and Ice and to learn about upcoming classes and events!

Join my mailing list for education and events! Click here 

Next Fifth Dimensional Consciousness Program begins in Ottawa, Canada on September 10th. More more details click here.

Love and Light, Kathy

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

You and the Great Transition....

My previous blog spoke of this time of great transition for Advanced Lightworkers. Forget what you have read over the past couple of weeks - many writers for Lightworkers have gotten it wrong. They are reacting to the fear in the human consciousness right now and proclaiming that the next 3 months are a time of doom and gloom for Lightworkers. 

Wrong, wrong, wrong says the group of Guides who have been waking me up nightly to share this message with you. 

We are in the Time of Great Transition and how you respond rather than react will create the foundation for the next wave of consciousness and possibility. This is the time of your 'Test of Initiation' to see if you are ready for more insight to the bigger picture and more healing ability. What is coming next is your ability to live more fully from your Soul - a Soul directed life supported by your Heart and Head. Are you ready???

I've been living some Tests of Initiation over the past month...yes, more than one. This week, I have an abscessed tooth that energy work and natural remedies could not contain. Fully in the world of dentists, endodontists and extreme pain, each moment has been a test to see if I React rather than Respond. 

There have been moments of Reacting - when the pain triggers fear within. I've been able to use my tools to move myself to Response mode - staying in my heart centre, asking for strength and direction, and knowing that I am supported on all levels. Each day, I wake up with the swelling in my face in a different severe pattern of distortion. Instead of reacting to this and obsessing over it, I am seeing this time as the opportunity to practice Shape-shifting - an advanced ability of Shamans! 

Use all that is placed in front of you over the next 3 months to practice your skills of RESPONDING rather than reacting. Stay in your Heart Centre, observe and be in charge of your Thoughts and come from Love at all times. 

~ Love and Light, Kathy

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Time of Great Transition for You!

Here we are, in the Solstice energy of 2016. Combined with the very Full Moon, it enables the time of great transitioning that is opening for us as Lightworkers. 

All of the Advanced Lightworkers and new students I've assisted over the past 3 weeks were experiencing a time of completion. It included unfinished business, past emotional issues finally letting go and seeing their world with new eyes (which sometimes made sight blurry). With many, I saw the image of having shoes on their feet, but the laces not yet tied. The last three weeks has been a time of tying those bows tightly to move in to this great time of transitioning. 

By 'transitioning,' I mean that you are in the middle of a great journey heading to an amazing destination. My Guidance is telling me that for the next two weeks, you will still be in the travel portion of the journey. Much of the time you will feel the joy of the trip. There may be times - though few - where you will feel the frustration of changing trains or planes and even experience what may seem like a delay. 

This will be short-lived. THERE IS A HUGE OPENING OF ENERGY IN JULY - THE ONE YOU, ADVANCED LIGHTWORKER HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR. (My Guidance is very loud about this, so thougt I'd use upper case)! Next blog will cover more of this!

Embrace this time, Here is what you need to do:

1. Keep your thoughts focused on the good, the grounded and the grace.

2. Review how you have been feeding and supporting your physical body and make changes as needed.

3. Laugh as much as you can - even if it means watching an old comedy (Marx brothers does it for me) on your own - knowing that you are never alone. 

Reiki and Crystals: Activating the Power of Fire and Ice 

will be here in two weeks!

Friday, May 6, 2016

The Most Powerful Frequency We've Got!

As a mother with children who are making their way in the world, I've been reflecting on my mothering journey over the past 25 years. Recently, I felt the deep driving need to return to my hometown of Windsor, Ontario and connect with the women of my 'tribe' - some I haven't seen for 20 years. What a powerful experience to travel with my daughter the day after she finished her degree to reintroduce her to these amazing women who shaped my foundation. 

As Lightworkers and Reiki Masters, we study and become adept with channelling frequencies of energy to bring more love and light to Earth. Yet, the most powerful frequency we have for healing this planet and ourselves is already here and has been since the dawn of time - Mothering Energy. 

Whether you are a mother or not, mothering energy drives your work as a healer, She is the 'wind beneath your wings' to paraphrase a pop song. In alchemical terms, She is the carrier upon which all you do is transported to those you assist and serve. She is the force that rises up from below your feet each and every day, supporting you and sustaining all of us. 

See this Mother's Day with a higher vision. That mothering is not an act nor a job, but the most powerful force we have for healing that is continual with us each and every day. Connect with her in yourself with gratitude and grace, and let this force lead through all you do. 

Happy Mother's Day!

~ Love and Light, Kathy Glover Scott                                     

Visit my website for upcoming classes, events and how to schedule a consultation. 

Energy Download EventConnection to the Frequency of Joy

Wednesday, May 18th from 7 pm to 9:15 pm
at Planet Botanix, 301 Bank St, Ottawa

Preregistration required:

The Universe is comprised of Frequencies of Energy which hold encoded Light. The Frequency of Joy is one of the most powerful.
Through this Download Event:
- Blockages to experiencing joy will be cleared
- Attunement to the Frequency of Joy will increase
your ability to feel it
- Attracting joy will be encoded in you

Experience some of the highest vibrational energies available now through this learning and healing event.
You will receive the specific energies that you require to raise your vibration, complete issues and move forward in your life.

Includes Light Activation, Messages, and Matrix Energetics!
High vibration energy and learning event.
$35 per person, preregistration required.

Preregistration required:

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Happy International Women's Day!

A Woman gives to others from the moment that she can. 

A Woman Lightworker multi-dimensionally gives to others from the moment that she can.

A Woman Lightworker is most powerful when she opens her heart to giving and receiving - for she receives for herself and all others as well.

Love to you from an open Heart Centre, Kathy

Friday, February 19, 2016

5th Dimensional Consciousness

Keys to Dancing in the Divine Matrix

See details below on March 16th public event at Planet Botanix, Ottawa

Now, we have the ability to fully live in Fifth Dimensional Consciousness! The energies are here now and grounded on the Earth. The voice of Mother Earth and her ability to heal us has become so much stronger in conjunction with the full arrival of the 5th DC energies. 

What is 5th Dimensional Consciousness? It is a higher vibrational band of energy that vibrates at the same frequency as the Higher Self within you. When attuned to the 5th Dimension (as I do in my classes) your Higher Self can then access the energies available in this limitless band of love and light. It does so through the Heart Chakra. This activation also fuses your Higher Self with your physical and energy bodies, allowing you to bring new energies in. Here are some of the changes that I've seen occur in myself and my students have reported:

Release of old fears and thought patterns

Ease of ability to live in the Heart Centre

Strengthening of spiritual knowledge and abilities

Connection and learning from the Ascended Masters
Much greater frequency of healing energy and opening of abilities

Living in a State of Grace in life

Ability to access the field of all possibility for solution in life

Manifesting ability goes through the roof!

Depth of connection with the Earth Consciousness

Opening of vision, hearing and inner knowing

Artistic talents and creativity rises to the surface

Being calm while the dramas of life go on around you

Synchronicity and ease in solutions appearing

Greater connection and knowing of your Spirit Guides

“Healing and Living in the Divine Matrix”  

Wednesday, March 16th from 7-9:15 pm 

 Planet Botanix, 301 Bank St. Ottawa. 

Energy work and learning event featuring all the best of what Kathy Glover Scott does! Tools to live from the sacred heart and access the realm of all possibility in the Divine Matrix. Energy activations and tools for grounding and shielding your energy. Gain new tools and energy to live an enlightened life!

Preregistration Required. Cost $35. Register through:

Planet Botanix

or Kathy@Reiki  

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

What is Happening in You Now.... 

Sharing this blogpost with you as it says it all and explains what you are experiencing now and why!
Enjoy. Love and Light, Kathy

Friday, January 15, 2016

Reiki Masters - Time to Embrace Your Mastery!

Reiki training does not end at Reiki Master. You have so much more to learn and do! Surrounded by Ascended Masters I write this - they won't leave me alone until I do and I really need to get some sleep!

I teach a unique and powerful program called Higher Degrees of Reiki - Post Master Advanced Reiki Healing Techniques. It was channelled by an amazing woman (Ann Thomas) so that we have advanced symbols and attunements for Reiki Masters so that you can be powerful in this time where we are so needed to anchor Light and expand healing on our beautiful Earth. As the most experienced Reiki Teacher in eastern Canada, I've been elevating hundreds of people with these attunements, healings and new symbols for nearly 20 years. They have gone on to do some profound healing and manifesting!

This program teaches you degrees 4 through 7 and is available to Reiki Masters. Follow this link for more information:

The time for the energy and potential of this program is NOW. As I am being guided, I will come to you to teach this powerful program. If you are in the Ottawa, Canada area, the next program is:

Saturdays, February 6th, March 5th and April 9th
Plus 3 Live Webinars!

For more details or if you have a group that would like to learn contact me 

3 Beauties from my collection energized for you! 

Reiki and Crystals: Activating the Power of Fire and Ice
Feb. 26, 27, 2016