You and the Great Transition....
My previous blog spoke of this time of great transition for Advanced Lightworkers. Forget what you have read over the past couple of weeks - many writers for Lightworkers have gotten it wrong. They are reacting to the fear in the human consciousness right now and proclaiming that the next 3 months are a time of doom and gloom for Lightworkers.
Wrong, wrong, wrong says the group of Guides who have been waking me up nightly to share this message with you.
We are in the Time of Great Transition and how you respond rather than react will create the foundation for the next wave of consciousness and possibility. This is the time of your 'Test of Initiation' to see if you are ready for more insight to the bigger picture and more healing ability. What is coming next is your ability to live more fully from your Soul - a Soul directed life supported by your Heart and Head. Are you ready???
I've been living some Tests of Initiation over the past month...yes, more than one. This week, I have an abscessed tooth that energy work and natural remedies could not contain. Fully in the world of dentists, endodontists and extreme pain, each moment has been a test to see if I React rather than Respond.
There have been moments of Reacting - when the pain triggers fear within. I've been able to use my tools to move myself to Response mode - staying in my heart centre, asking for strength and direction, and knowing that I am supported on all levels. Each day, I wake up with the swelling in my face in a different severe pattern of distortion. Instead of reacting to this and obsessing over it, I am seeing this time as the opportunity to practice Shape-shifting - an advanced ability of Shamans!
Use all that is placed in front of you over the next 3 months to practice your skills of RESPONDING rather than reacting. Stay in your Heart Centre, observe and be in charge of your Thoughts and come from Love at all times.
~ Love and Light, Kathy