Core of Self Summer
Thoughts are Your Power Tools - Part 2
To continue from my previous blog, one of the themes in my work with assisting others with the process of expansion, is the development of self-awareness, and in particular, how one thinks.
In my book Core of Self, I've identified seven of the most common thought patterns that block Lightworkers. By having this list, it will make it easier for you to 'notice what you notice' about how you think. Each of these seven patterns can lock you into 'magical thinking' which interferes with living an enlightened life. These seven thought patterns that people often have are:
1) Name Calling
2) Body-Conflict Thinking
3) Nighttime Racing
4) Perfection Thinking
5) Black and White Thinking
6) Out-of-Proportion Thinking
7) Inadequacy Thinking
My book Core of Self provides you with tools to identify these patterns and proven remedies to undo them - and enable a more powerful you.
Of all the categories, I often find the 'Black & White' thinking pattern to be the one that impacts Lightworkers So, as a person opens to higher consciousness with expansion, they become more aware of their own physical, emotional and spiritual 'blockages.' These often arise as an awareness in their body - for which they want a definitive or logical answer.
So if the awareness needs to have a definitive label, and if it is not one thing (black), then it must be another (white).
Awareness and spirit driven knowing falls between those two extremes of black and white. And this space between is not gray - it is a rainbow of possibilities and potential.
In my book Core of Self, I've identified seven of the most common thought patterns that block Lightworkers. By having this list, it will make it easier for you to 'notice what you notice' about how you think. Each of these seven patterns can lock you into 'magical thinking' which interferes with living an enlightened life. These seven thought patterns that people often have are:
1) Name Calling
2) Body-Conflict Thinking
3) Nighttime Racing
4) Perfection Thinking
5) Black and White Thinking
6) Out-of-Proportion Thinking
7) Inadequacy Thinking
My book Core of Self provides you with tools to identify these patterns and proven remedies to undo them - and enable a more powerful you.
Of all the categories, I often find the 'Black & White' thinking pattern to be the one that impacts Lightworkers So, as a person opens to higher consciousness with expansion, they become more aware of their own physical, emotional and spiritual 'blockages.' These often arise as an awareness in their body - for which they want a definitive or logical answer.
So if the awareness needs to have a definitive label, and if it is not one thing (black), then it must be another (white).
Awareness and spirit driven knowing falls between those two extremes of black and white. And this space between is not gray - it is a rainbow of possibilities and potential.
Core of Self is Kathy's book for Self-Healing and for assisting others.
To see Core of Self and order CLICK HERE