Core of Self Summer
Expanding Intuition - Part 1
Intuitive knowing can be that ‘uh-oh’ feeling that comes up when you meet someone for the first time. It is that flash of insight you have about how to deal with a particular situation. It is that little voice that whispers in your ear saying you need a second opinion. It can be that nagging feeling in your gut that something is not right with the current situation. It is that ‘lightbulb’ moment that you have when dealing with a challenge, and desiring to find a solution. No matter how hard you try to deny or rationalize your inner knowing, it keeps coming back into your awareness.
Intuition is experienced as the inner awareness of
something that you are not able to talk yourself out of.
Intuition is the manifestation of your ‘higher self’ at work. Your higher self is the optimal, inner you. It is the best of all you have ever been, of who you are now and the best of your limitless potential. Your higher self always knows what is for your ‘highest good’ physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. People receive information from their intuition in many ways (you will learn more about this). Consider your ‘gut instinct’ or intuition your higher self’s way of speaking with you as clearly as it can. Your job is to focus on opening the door to noticing, hearing, feeling and receiving this information. Whether you use this information or not, it is always your choice. The truth is that learning from, listening to and moving to action with what your intuition tells you, keeps you energized in the game of life. Denying intuition once heard, usually leads to striking out and being benched!
Intuition is the energetic essence of who you are, providing you with information, direction and guidance for thriving each day.
Core of Self is Kathy's book for Self-Healing and for assisting others.To see Core of Self and order Click Here