Saturday, January 26, 2013

Expanding in the New Consciousness Exercise

Yahoo! We are now fully living in the possibility and potential of the New Consciousness. My Guidance (the group that so diligently works with me - even when I am being stubborn) is asking me to explain what this means in this way:

  • We are completing the process of moving through a huge portal and being welcomed in to a time of great learning, healing and ability to access the field of all possibility.
  • The ‘Glass Ceiling’ of our potential that many advanced students of soul expansion have been experiencing is now lifted.
  • We have been so gifted in our ability to access the knowledge, wisdom and guidance of many ethereal kingdoms, such as crystalline wisdom, angelic realms and guides in spirit. With the New Consciousness, our ability to allow the Archangels and Ascended Masters to work with and through us has rapidly opened. Many high vibration Lightworkers are finding a bit physically challenging right now. (They are telling me that this will ‘calm down’ by March of this year).
  • The ability to live in the Field of the Oneness of All is now a tangible reality. You are able to access all that you require on the highest level here. This is truly the time of Fifth Dimensional Consciousness living - and beyond.

Yesterday, three of us met (all Fifth Dimension and beyond vibration) and experienced energy and healing so profound that it left us speechless (and those of you who know me, know that words don’t usually fail me). As each of us climbed on the Reiki table in turn, we experienced realignment, release and reawakening at a greater depth from our core than ever before. What a profound experience of the New Consciousness made real!

My Guidance is giving me this exercise to share with you to assist with your expansion in the New Consciousness. Through nearly twenty years working with this Guidance group, it is clear that if you follow the instructions given, as given, you will gain the maximum results:
  1. Time needed: Minimum 20 minutes.
  2. Sitting in a supportive chair with your feet firmly connected to the ground.
  3. If you have any denser stones or crystals (not black) place them by your feet.
  4. State aloud the intention that you are open to receive.
  5. Imagine roots unfurling from the chakra on the bottom of your feet, behind the ridge of bone at the base of your toes.
  6. Allow them to unfurl in to the earth (simply thinking about this will make it happen). Let it continue until they reach water, a root, or a rock and allow your roots to connect or anchor with it.
  7. Count backwards from twenty slowly, knowing that when you reach zero will be more deeply connected with the Earth Consciousness.
  8. Allow whatever experience you are meant to have to flow in and through you, knowing that it is absolutely what you require for your expansion at this time.

Interesting how the number of steps equals 8 - Infinity!              Love and Light, Kathy


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Spiritual Insights for 2013 Exercise

Happy New Year!  Each day since December 21st, I’ve experienced a very light, grounded energy moving through me – a different frequency than prior to the Solstice. My sense is this is the new frequency promised to us as prepared Lightworkers. A frequency that brings love, connection, insights, wisdom and inner peace.

Spiritual Insights for 2013 Exercise:
I would like to share with you a wonderful exercise that is best to do at the beginning of a new calendar year.  It is one that provides you with  insights and connection each month for the themes for your life in the coming year. Read through the following directions a couple of times before beginning. Do the meditation at a time where your energy is strong and feeling grounded – and I find being in sunlight helps!

What you will need:
Paper (or journal) and pen.
Place and time for undisturbed meditation of about 30 minutes.

How to proceed:
  • On your paper/in your journal put the title: Spiritual Insights for 2013
  • On the left hand side of the page, write down the months from January to December (double-space).
  • Your intention during meditation is to ‘be open to receive’ one word or phrase for each month that is the theme for that month for you in your life. When you receive it, write down the first clear impression that you receive. (A clear impression may start as an image, sound, sensation and let it morph to clarity without trying to figure it out!) The key is to stay in your heart and out of your head!

The Process:
Begin as you would any meditation that you do with a focus on breath. If you have ‘brain chatter’, the key is not fighting it, but rather avoid giving it energy.

Drop in to your heart space as the answers will come here (not in your mind). While beginning your meditation, you may want to apply light pressure with your finger tips on your heart chakra in the centre of your chest and focus your breath in that area.
As you feel more relaxed and your attention easily stays in your heart you can begin to think the word for each month in turn, waiting for the response. When it feels fully formed, write it down next to that month. Move on to the next month.

You may or may not be able to complete the 12 months in one meditation. It is really important not to judge, analyze or edit your responses. Here is the example of what appeared for me for the beginning of this year:
January – Thoughts
February – Prayers
March – Flight

I’ll return to my complete list throughout the year – to see how things are evolving and to  prepare for what is to come. Enjoy! 
Love and LIght, Kathy Glover Scott