Care and Feeding of Your Gatekeeper
In my last post, the need for Lightworkers to be vigilant with their thoughts and not fall in to victim thinking is paramount. It is so easy to do - especially with how we miraculously deal with the Third Dimensional requirements of life while expanding, exploring and communing with higher realms an wisdom. The need for you to invite and establish a new Gatekeeper for your thoughts is one of the higher dimensional requirements now that we are fully in the new consciousness. This Gatekeeper is the aspect of your self which is conscious and noticing your thoughts and patterns of thinking - knowing that these can either support or undermine the intentions of Spirit and of your own spirit.Your Gatekeeper requires specific care and feeding. Here are some suggestions:
Establish boundaries: make firm and clear decisions about how you are going to think about the daily requirements of life as well as your spiritual journey. Will you allow yourself to dwell on the past or worry about the future? Will you allow yourself to be judgmental of others - and judgmental of your self? Will you continue to let the ego mind convince you that you are less than divine perfection and that part of your soul purpose is how your life is unfolding right now?
Gentle, Gentle, Gentle: Whenever you receive a message and hear it repeated 3 times, you know that it is a very important one for you - and usually from the Angelic Realms (7th Dimension). Your ego mind would like nothing better than for you to battle with it - especially as you notice patterns of thinking that no longer serve you and that you desire to change. When you notice a particularly harmful pattern in your thoughts, the key is to move to neutrality. This means moving to s place of loving kindness and acceptance for yourself as a spiritual being having a human experience based on learning.
Let go of Perfection: Often when people move to becoming observers of their thought patterns, they become frustrated when they do not allevaite 100% of self-defeating and spiritually-sabotaging thoughts. The key is to reduce thought patterns that block Spirit's ability to work with and through you. Think of it this way - if 50% of the time, the patterns of your thoughts are defeating and you can reduce it to 30% of the time, what a phenomenal change you have made. This provides Spirit with 20% more ability to love, nuture and guide you!
One final point, if you are sensitive to other people's energies - and I've never met a Lightworker who isn't - then know that at times your thoughts are not your own. They can be a manifestation of the energies that are around you, especially in stressful or emotional situations. Remind yourself of this when around challenging energies and you will immediately feel more in charge and able to create a wonderful cushion between yourself and the situation in which you find yourself.
Love and Light, Kathy Glover Scott