Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Thoughts are Your Power Tools - Part 1

Core of Self Summer 

The past two months have been a time of expansion for Lightworkers. Here in the northern hemisphere,  it is the opportune time for Lightworkers to integrate these new energies and to grow. Longer hours of light, fresh local foods, time outdoors and being in nature all contribute to your expansion. Summer is a 'masculine' energy that fuels physical, mental, emotional and spiritual action and change.

From June to August, I am posting six blogs to assist with your expansion. (Subscribe to this blog so you won't miss any). The focus of these blogs is to help you develop a stronger 'core of self'.You need a strong inner foundation as the home for your soul self and abilities. The stronger your inner core of self, the greater your spiritual strength and impact for yourself and others. And, you experience less of a roller-coaster effect during times of great spiritual expansion.

A stronger inner foundation begins with becoming an observer of your own thought processes, this enables building a 5th Dimensional higher vision. You begin to see the 'bigger picture' in regards to your actions and reactions. Everyone has an internal operating system which holds beliefs about how you think about yourself, others and the world around you. You may not be conscious of it, but it is running behind the scenes determining how you live and what you manifest. 

If you don’t remember anything else from this blog, remember this:

Your body believes whatever your brain tells it. 

Your body cannot tell the difference! If you stew in anger about someone, physical tension activates, and chemicals released in your body in response to these thoughts - and this is the energy that you put out into the world. You see, we Lightworkers ARE powerful manifesters, and our thoughts lead the way.

In order to build a strong core of self, it is time to own how your thought processes are working and how they impact on your life.

Tools for Observing Your Thoughts

Step #1: Commit to listening to your thoughts: This may sound simple, but by doing this you are making a commitment to opening up your entire life in a new, expansive way.

Step #2: Set aside time to listen: Though you never feel that you have enough time, and dedicating time for yourself usually occurs after everyone else’s needs have been met. The bottom line is that if you are reading this, you know that what you have been doing so far in your life does not work for you. Take the risk! Change your belief about time. Say to yourself: “There is enough time” and “It is my time, so I am going to choose how to use it.” Through giving yourself the message that you are important enough for this, you are jump-starting your self-esteem and learning how to take charge of your life. Begin by doing this when life is not chaotic. (Stop laughing! There are times of calm, so use them to your advantage).

Step #3: When listening to yourself, pay attention to what words you hear: Write them down. Notice how the same words and phrases repeat over and over. Do you only hear your own voice or the voice of someone you know? If it is someone else, who might it be? A voice from the past? Someone in your life now? Notice the tone of voice that you hear. Is it harsh or judgmental? Does it sound very curt or demanding? Does it have a tired or child-like tone? Does it sound like it lacks energy or wants to give up?

Step #4: Do not judge: It is easy to become anxious as you begin to hear what goes on in your thoughts. Remember that self-defeating thinking is what you have learned to do, and you are in the process of change. When you judge or criticize what you hear, the process of change slows down.

Step #5: Become an observer in the chaos: The first four steps have helped you learn to become an observer of your own thought processes in a time of calm. When you feel comfortable with that, you are ready to begin to commit to hearing your thoughts during busier times in your life. You may have found that your brain chatter races at a greater speed when the pace of life speeds up, or when you are in the middle of a crisis. Now, you are going to begin observing your thoughts in the busy times. Doing this will aid you to not be controlled by them as you have been in the past.

Step #6: Find the patterns: A researcher records observations and then spends time ‘quantifying’ them. Now that you are an observer and researcher of your own thought processes, you need to review your notes and find the recurring thoughts and patterns. When you have a moment, jot down what you hear. Take these notes in a journal or log dedicated to your research and self-discovery.

Core of Self is Kathy's book for Self-Healing and for assisting others.
To see Core of Self and order Click Here


Core of Self Ebooks - click on each for link to download page:

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