Monday, October 2, 2017

With Spirit at the Las Vegas Shooting

With Spirit at the Las Vegas Shooting

The day of the shooting was the travel day to Las Vegas for the  6th conference that my husband attended there. I am writing this the next afternoon, to share with you. 

Those who know me know that I tap into the 5th dimensional energy here in Las Vegas - the desert is quite magical and I visit with the giant quartz crystal ball well as walk miles. The energy below all of the craziness here is quite profound - I don't belief that this 'sin city' was built here by chance.  We arrived late morning and spent the day with the energy at Red Rocks, returning to our room at the Luxor hotel in the early evening. With both of us being tired, we were in bed by nine and while my husband snored, I could hear the sirens getting louder outside.

My curiosity got the best of me and I checked the news, finding of the horror that was unfolding outside, right across the street from our hotel, the pyramid shaped Luxor. After calming myself down, I dropped into my heart centre and began sending energy and praying intensely. Soon a loudspeaker sounded in our room - "stay in your room and lock the door, there is an active shooter." My internal battle began, between panic and neutral, heart centred sending. Through the night hours we were told to remain in our room as the lockdown continued.

We were meant to be at the Mandalay Bay hotel, but chose the Luxor next door as the day I  booked our rooms there was a fabulous sale that was one-third of the normal price. I now do not believe that this was by chance.

Awake at dawn, we made our way down to the lobby. Staggering around were the injured, those in shock and weeping. Many young girls wearing summer dresses and cowboy boots wrapped in blankets and in groups of five or six, wandered aimlessly in shock. 

Nearly every waking moment since the shooting began, I prayed and sent Reiki and energy from the Universe. When seeing all the walking emotionally wounded, I felt like this had not been enough. So I tried to ask people directly if they wanted help, and received strange looks in return. As I am a trained crisis worker from my life as a social worker, I tried to find a centre to volunteer. When faced with and feeling the energy around me, I doubted that my spiritual healing intervention was enough. I sooned realized that I was probably the only one there who could do it. 

So I surrounded people with love and gold and white light. Those in pain, I sent energy, symbols, prayers and grace. Twice today, I was called on by Spirit to energetically assist two people who passed over from their wounds - feeling like I was right in the room with them. Doing this all by distance. 

We walked miles today up and down the Strip like so many thousands of others. Very surreal here - none of the usual Vegas noises. A hushed silence with everyone jumping out of their skin with any loud noise. The shock was and is palpable. 

After my 'crisis of faith' in the early morning, I was guided to know that my best way to be of service was to be present and still. Wherever I was, I stayed in my heart centre asking for Spirit to guide to me those  I could best assist. Through the day today, I focused on presence and met the most amazing, powerful, courageous people - all having been at the event, running and crawling in terror, and seeing the wounds of those grazed by bullets. I asked Spirit to work through me as I listened. My husband knew what I was doing. I felt that as I looked at people, healing flowed and with intention surrounded them with the energy and symbols that appeared. 

As I write this after a long, hot bath and a gin and tonic, I feel so blessed to be placed here, in service and safe. 

SEND SEND SEND energy and love, asking the Angels to be present here and surrounding all impacted by this event. 

Love and Light, Kathy

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