Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Care and Feeding of Your Gatekeeper

In my last post, the need for Lightworkers to be vigilant with their thoughts and not fall in to victim thinking is paramount. It is so easy to do - especially with how we miraculously deal with the Third Dimensional requirements of life while expanding, exploring and communing with higher realms an wisdom. The need for you to invite and establish a new Gatekeeper for your thoughts is one of the higher dimensional requirements now that we are fully in the new consciousness. This Gatekeeper is the aspect of your self which is conscious and noticing your thoughts and patterns of thinking - knowing that these can either support or undermine the intentions of Spirit and of your own spirit.

Your Gatekeeper requires specific care and feeding. Here are some suggestions:

Establish boundaries: make firm and clear decisions about how you are going to think about the daily requirements of life as well as your spiritual journey. Will you allow yourself to dwell on the past or worry about the future? Will you allow yourself to be judgmental of others - and judgmental of your self? Will you continue to let the ego mind convince you that you are less than divine perfection and that part of your soul purpose is how your life is unfolding right now?

Gentle, Gentle, Gentle: Whenever you receive a message and hear it repeated 3 times, you know that it is a very important one for you - and usually from the Angelic Realms (7th Dimension). Your ego mind would like nothing better than for you to battle with it - especially as you notice patterns of thinking that no longer serve you and that you desire to change. When you notice a particularly harmful pattern in your thoughts, the key is to move to neutrality. This means moving to s place of loving kindness and acceptance for yourself as a spiritual being having a human experience based on learning.

Let go of Perfection: Often when people move to becoming observers of their thought patterns, they become frustrated when they do not allevaite 100% of self-defeating and spiritually-sabotaging thoughts. The key is to reduce thought patterns that block Spirit's ability to work with and through you. Think of it this way - if 50% of the time, the patterns of your thoughts are defeating and you can reduce it to 30% of the time, what a phenomenal change you have made. This provides Spirit with 20% more ability to love, nuture and guide you!

One final point, if you are sensitive to other people's energies - and I've never met a Lightworker who isn't - then know that at times your thoughts are not your own. They can be a manifestation of the energies that are around you, especially in stressful or emotional situations. Remind yourself of this when around challenging energies and you will immediately feel more in charge and able to create a wonderful cushion between yourself and the situation in which you find yourself.

Love and Light, Kathy Glover Scott 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Empowering Your Inner Gatekeeper

Many Lightworkers are experiencing a sense of disillusionment post December 2012. In searching yourself, you may find that a part of you had an expectancy that aspects of your life would become 'golden' with the shift in to the New Consciousness and this has simply not happened. This disillusionment often stems from ‘magical thinking’.

Magical Thinking is the realm of the inner child, who is so excited and enlivened by our spiritual experiences and ability to see as others do not. Yet, when the inner child is in charge, we adult Lightworkers think in child-like ways, expecting magical things to happen simply because we wish them. And this magical thinking became part of the mythology of the shift in consciousness with December 2012.

Magical thinking belongs pre December 2012.

Thinking in the ‘realm of magick’ is the absolute way to thrive post December 2012.

Let me explain further. The power of the Mind is formidable. Many have written and believe that the Mind is the All. I beg to differ. Our Heart is the Gateway to the All. This is where we access the zero point field of all possibility.

The Mind is the Gatekeeper to the Gateway (of the Heart). Now this Gatekeeper has all sorts of choices as to how energized and enlightened it will be on a daily basis. And this appears in a cross-section of possibilities from pessimistic, judgmental and destructive to optimistic, organized and creative. And some days, don’t you just find that you bounce between the two extremes?

In this blog, I cannot give you the magical answer for how to change how you think. Living and thriving in the New Consciousness involves making new choices and embracing new learning. This includes putting the ‘toxic ego mind’ on notice that you are hiring a new Gatekeeper so you can thrive as a powerful thinker as the time is right to be so.

As a Lightworker, you have an arsenal of tools to empower your new Gatekeeper. Over the next few blogs, you will learn more about how to do this and open yourself to receive. Just for today, here is where to begin:

Notice how your thinking keeps you believing that you are a victim. One of the real challenges of being a Lightworker is to live ‘multidimensionally’ – which means meeting the requirements of daily life while living with a much more expansive view of who you are. In the third dimensional world of daily life, ‘crappy’ things happen that have an impact upon you. (Let’s let go of the ridiculous notion that as beings of Light we are above this – we are not as we are human). When these things happen, you feel hurt, sad, angry – the range of emotions that may leave you feeling like a victim. But as a Lightworker you are NEVER TO BELIEVE that you are a victim. This is the difference between falling into the swamp of the ego mind or walking on a tropical beach.

Be aware of this as you move through your day. Notice when things happen, how you internalize the impact of them. Do you allow yourself to feel (which is essential to opening the heart chakra)?  And do you begin to believe that you are affected, defined or controlled by the experience? Being a Lightworker means that you never, ever buy in to the second question – it leaves your Gatekeeper disempowered and your Light dims.

Simply notice what you notice in your thought process with gentleness and without judging yourself. Be an ‘observer of your thoughts’.

Friday, February 8, 2013


Mastering Trials of Initiation

Adapting to living in, with and through this higher vibration readily available to us now has been a challenge for many. You would think that everything would be 'easy peasy' now, yet many advanced lightworkers are reporting emotional highs and lows, past angst resurfacing and the pull to shutting down spiritually. Even with living an enlightened life as I do now, I've been feeling it.

'Trials of Initiation' is a fifth dimensional consciousness term very fitting for this time. Since ancient times, for a person moving in to higher spiritual living, greater wisdom and power,  a test appears on their path. The purpose of this test is to challenge the person to see if they are wise, mature, strong and fearless enough to hold the gift before them. And this gift is never for them alone - they are CHOSEN to hold this gift for a group of people and the greater good.

Being a success or failure at the completion of the test does not matter. (Our ego mind does not like this as it perceives things in black and white and people as winners or losers). Rather, a person is successful at their test of initiaion when the following is demonstrated:

Ability to Perservere - to get up over and over when challenges arise. You may feel black and blue inside and out, yet you continue to listen to the higher calling within and embrace the challenge. You keep getting up, knowing that to giving up is not in alignment with your soul purpose.

Creativity - how well you dig deep inside of you for solutions, think outside-the-box and put new ideas and plans in order address the challenge of the test is a key to success. This is about calling in the frequency of creativity through the Divine Feminine and then moving to action using the frequency of the Divine Masculine.

Surrender - know that this does not mean giving up or giving a part of yourself up. (Again that ego mind wants you to believe that you will die if you surrender). Rather, surrender is about allowing your highest vision and knowing to lead you forward, while coaching your inner fears and resistance and not allowing them to 'run the show'.  This includes connecting with your core, nurturing yourself and filter out the external noise and distractions.

The fuel for moving through a Test of Initiaion is going back to Source again and again. Doing this includes using your tools and skills for yourself to keep refilling your tank. This also includes letting those in spirit who assist you know when you are tired, frustrated, scared or wanting to give up. This is their cue to step in, step up and carry you at times through times of challenge.

You do not go through all of this for nothing - REWARDS are on their way. Start by moving through your day with the thought that you are 1)open to receive and 2)ready for your rewards. Let go of how they will appear!

My next posting will conitnue on this topic, especially Opening to Receive!

Love and Light, Kathy