Thursday, December 29, 2016

Completions and New Beginnings

While driving in the snowstorm this morning I was following a car with the license plate 111. This number means a time of new beginnings. As we close 2016 - a year that challenged Lightworkers and bombarded us with a lot of low vibrational noise - and move into 2017, my Guidance would like me to share the following with you:

"We are oh so proud of how you have remained upright and moving forward through these most trying times. Those that control with fear have been out in force, using the opportunities and dramas created by humans to try to diminish your flame. They were unsuccessful. Though you may be fatigued, know that this is only a temporary state of being."

Along with this, I'd like to offer some suggestions based on messages I've been receiving over the past couple of weeks:

  • January is the time to be more internal, unplugging yourself from the influences of others who do not have your best interest at heart. This includes any fear-based forces trying to diminish your flame. A great example is to notice and steer clear of fear-based conversations connected to the change of leadership in the U.S. in January. 

  • People are very confused energetically right now. This impacts how you think and feel, as well as those around you.  Not a great time to make major life decisions. Know that by mid-March the weight will be lifted, and new opportunities and ease with being a Lightworker in the world will reveal itself. 

  • Use the next few months to build your inner strength - immerse yourself in what builds your inner core of strength. Focus on the lower three chakras and what strengthens them. Then you will be ready for the rebirth of spring!

Love and Light, Kathy Glover Scott