Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Holiday Blessings to YOU!

You made it through 2014! Yahoo. For Lightworkers, it has been a challenging year in many ways. Lots of earth and celestial shifts combined with such a high frequency of energy for us to access. Have you had a year of spontaneous, unstoppable growth and changes placing you more firmly on your soul path? You are not alone. 

I'd like to share with you my encounter with an Angel on this date many years ago:

Had December ever been so cold and empty?  This twelfth month completed a year that had left me confused, exhausted and lost.  It certainly was an eventful year.  I was hired fresh out of university as a child protection worker in the spring.  In June, my father died unexpectedly – a broken man.  And my new (first) marriage was crumbling around me.
            The Christmas season arrived with its joy and excitement, yet I stayed detached.  December 23rd was my focus – the last day of work before a break and the chance to grieve my losses.
            There was one final child protection case in court on that date.  For several months, I had assisted a teen mother through coordinating the services she needed for her beautiful daughter.  Several months before, she had been born with several life threatening challenges.  (Her mother truly loved her, but due to her own life experiences and challenges, she was unable to consistently care for her daughter and our agency’s help was required).
            The court hearing that day was a formality to extend the Order allowing us to remain involved and assisting them.  Everyone was in agreement. As we sat in the waiting room, the mother asked me to hold her fragile baby.  Instinctively, I knew there was something very wrong.  The baby’s colour slowly became more ashen before my eyes.  Though the lawyers and judge wanted us to remain for the hearing, and the mother (in her fear) refused medical help, I whisked the baby myself to the nearby emergency room.
            In the emergency room, tensions were high.   On one side of me, this frightened mother and her family were yelling at me, saying that I had stolen their baby and it was Christmas.”  On the other side, the physician praised my quick action as I prevented the child’s death.  The baby was admitted to the hospital where it remained for some time.
         The walk alone down the corridor to leave was long. Numbness and hopelessness surged through my body. The elevator door in front of me opened, and I stumbled in.  My eyes were glued to the floor.  Something told me to look up and to the left.  Standing there was a man with the same tall, thin build as my father.  He looked at me with my father’s blue eyes framed by his same unique glasses.  Warmth washed over me, and I knew deeply within myself that everything was fine. I knew that even though I was engulfed in grief, fatigue and fear, that I was safe.  After the elevator emptied, I looked for him and he was gone.
            Do I believe in angels?  This experience confirmed it for me forever.  You know, they are around us waiting to assist – yet not always taking a form we immediately recognize.
            My father had some real challenges in his life, yet he had a pure soul. He taught us to help those in need – though at times we received aid from our church and other organizations. Know that Acts of Kindness are never random.  Opportunities are put in front of you daily to expand your spiritual journey and connect you at a deeper level with your soul self. You will be challenged to the point of breaking at times, yet the more you step up in service to others, the greater the Gifts you will receive.  
           Be open to seeing Angels in your life.  Respond to the opportunities placed before you.   And you never know that the smelly person swaddled in blankets in a doorway may be an Angel put on your path!

~ Love and Light, Kathy Glover Scott 

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Learn about 5th Dimensional Consciousness: http://www.reikiottawa.com/reikiClassesDimension5-6.html

Monday, September 1, 2014

Engaging the Powerful Earth Energies

Did you experience that energy roller coaster from mid-July to mid-August? Were you able to rise above its dense pull into lower frequencies and use all the tools in your toolbox? 

We are in a time of great transformation for high level Lightworkers. Know that July and August was a time of great release of what you no longer require. Are you feeling lighter, with the sense of something new wanting to take form within?  

This exercise from my upcoming book Reiki and Crystals will help with the final stages of your process of baking  that 'something new' within. This exercise is a quick and powerful tool for grounding and expansion. It was channeled through me for a Fifth Dimensional Consciousness class. The energy and healing so profound that it left us speechless: 


Time needed: Minimum 20 minutes.

Sitting in a supportive chair with your feet firmly connected to the ground.

If you have any colored, denser stones or crystals (not black) place them by your feet. (do not use clear quartz, selenite or lemeurian seed crystals - they are contraindicated for this exercise). 

State aloud the intention that you are open to receive.


Imagine roots unfurling from the chakra on the bottom of your feet, behind the ridge of bone at the base of your toes.

Allow them to unfurl into the earth (simply thinking about this will make it happen). Let this continue until they reach water, a root, or a rock and allow your roots to connect with or anchor to it.

Count backwards from twenty slowly, knowing that when you reach zero will be more deeply connected with the Earth Consciousness.

Embrace whatever experience you are meant to have to flow in and through you, knowing that it is absolutely what you require for your expansion at this time. 

You'll feel the energy end when done. Give a Prayer of Thanks! 

~ Love and Light, Kathy

Check out our fall class and services: wwwReikiOttawa.com 

The 5th Dimensional Consciousness Program is being held October 3rd, 4th and 18th. Click here for Details. 

Saturday, July 19, 2014


Reiki Master is the not the end, it is your new beginning...

Post-Master programs in Reiki represent how the morphic field of Reiki is rapidly expanding. Open your mind and heart to the possibility that what Dr. Usui provided for us was only the beginning.
For fifteen years, I've been teaching the Higher Degrees of Reiki, which is an    advanced system for Reiki Masters. It has four separate degrees, each with a specific purpose, attunement, and 6 to 10 attuned symbols (28 symbols).
The intention of Degrees Four through Seven is to assist you to move out of third dimensional thinking and enable a greater connection with the God consciousness. Each degree has a specific focus, an attunement and attuned symbols. (As Masters, we often receive symbols for our use and increased understanding. These symbols are ‘attuned’ and have the same innate connection and intention as with the pre-Master and Master symbols). The Fourth through Seventh degrees are:
4th Degree Focus on Expanding Spiritual Consciousness.
This degree provides a gateway to higher consciousness and connection with greater frequencies of energy. There are nine attuned symbols in all, with a focus on releasing the past and being attuned to a greater spiritual sense of self and deeper understanding of your specific life purpose.
5th Degree Divine Consciousness and Physical Healing.
 Fifth Degree builds on the Fourth, and includes 6 attuned symbols. Greater connection to divine consciousness and physical healing is the focus. Through the Fifth Degree training, you will also channel a new personal symbol attuned specifically to your needs.
6th Degree Divine Consciousness and the Planet Earth.
Increased awareness of, and connection to, the earth’s divine consciousness is the focus. Through this degree, and the six attuned symbols received, you will begin to see Earth in a new way and more readily access her healing energies and wisdom for you. You will also experience an expansion in your consciousness.
7th Degree Wholeness and the Divine Order.
Seventh degree and its seven attuned symbols, enables you to have a greater understanding of the divine order of things on our planet earth. Ego’s need to ‘hold on’ to old patterns and illusions releases in a new way, and surrender to the higher power is accelerated.
The series being offered from August to October in Ottawa, Canada. A virtual program will be offered with international interest!
You can read more about this system at http://www.reikiottawa.com/reikiClassesHigherDegrees.html
Love my dolphins!

Saturday, July 5, 2014


A Message for Your Arrival!

Blessings to YOU! I've been quiet in this blog for the past month, as I honoured the time of transformation and elevation that I've been experiencing. Its been a time of completion, release and renewal. I suspect if you look back on the past month, you've experienced much of the same.

Connecting with a trusted friend and Guide in the U.K. the other day, he spoke of the great change that is here. This resonated with me at my core, and I knew the message was for more than simply myself. Listening over the past few days has brought great clarity and direction and a message to share with you has come through from Saint Clare of Assisi:

Millenniums have passed since this time was planned. Your presence here is not by chance, nor is your reading of these words. We've seen your struggle and have supported - but not rescued - beyond the veil. It has not been our purpose to rescue, but to keep you safe until this time of great opening.

You are in this time now dear Lightworker. For the next while*** , you have the path open before you. The key to the path is staying in your heart. What will keep you IN your heart and ON the path is being a Warrior against YOUR own fear.

There will always be fear coming towards you from other sources, and 'interferences' that are working to separate you from the Light. (Know that they cannot really separate you ever). Through your 'stuckness' in your own fear and the fear that you accept from others, your ability to see your Light fully erodes and the toxic ego mind can take charge.

Never, never, never forget that you are well loved!

*** while writing the words 'For the next while' I shown a calendar that extends for the next 18 months.

Who is St. Clare of Assisi?

She lived in Italy from July 16, 1194 – August 11, 1253. Born to a very wealthy family, she left it all behind and devoted her life to poverty and service upon hearing St. Francis speak in her town. He recognized her Light, and supported her in her work as a nun and in establishing the 'Order of the Poor Clares'.

Her Sprit remains a powerful source of Warrior energy for us. She was deemed as enabling 2 miracles, both of which saved the town of Assisi.

While researching her life, the photo below popped up and sent chills through me. I recognized it from a prayer card that was dear to me as a child! My sense she has been with me all along....


Friday, June 6, 2014

D-Day Anniversary and the Light

Just finished watching the D-Day 70th Anniversary Memorial on CBC here in Canada. Though war is never the answer, I was deeply moved by what was represented that speaks to us as Lightworkers today:

1) Challenge, sacrifice and unwavering strength is part of being a Lightworker and ensuring that Spirit leads (rather than fear and brutality).

2) That out of this horrific time, our global view shifted and heralded the first time that the Oneness of All attitude was made real on a global level e.g. the formation of the United Nations.

3)Though we sometimes get mired down in the 'isn't it awful' about the world, we are moving together on a higher path of living and joy. Look how much healing has occurred between nations and people in the past 70 years...

You can watch the coverage http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/d-day-70th-anniversary-watch-cbc-s-live-coverage-video-1.2666978

~ Love and Light, Kathy

Friday, May 2, 2014

Happy World Healing Day, Saturday May 3rd
Reiki Blessings to YOU!

On Saturday, I’ll be facilitating 6th Dimensional Consciousness Step 2 with five advanced students. At 11:11 we will be meditating as channels for healing energies for the Earth in our region. We will be holding this space, and you can connect with us from wherever you are, consciously aligning with the field of energy that we are enabling. As time is irrelevant, you can meditate/send energy before, during or after with the consciousness of us all working together. (Note: this is not an event at the office – you connect from wherever you are and for as long/much as you are drawn to do).

The sense from my Guidance is that you are to focus on the region where you reside. For those in the Ottawa area, please focus on the Ottawa/Gatineau/Outaouais region. Last evening , we held a Healing Attunement as part of a Reiki 3rd Degree class to open the energy for this for the Ottawa Region .

Happy World Healing Day!!!

Love and Light, Kathy

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Happy Earth Day!

At Reiki Ottawa, the Higher Degrees Class with their new symbols for healing the Earth will be meditating for Earth Day. Use your Distance Symbol and connect with us wherever you are!

Just for Today (and everyday): Give ...Spontaneous Thanks. 

Whenever something goes your way during the day, say “Thank-you.” Say it to yourself, and aloud if you dare! When you begin to do this, you immediately see your life in a different way. Stress robs you of the ability to appreciate the wonderful, small things in daily life, and giving spontaneous thanks brings it back. (From my new book 'Core of Self' - going to the printer this week!)

Photo is of the Tatlock Mines just southwest of Ottawa. Most people don't know that the area between Bancroft, Ontario and the Laurentian Mountains north of Montreal had the highest density and variety of aggregates, minerals and crystals in the world. Much of it has been mined, yet the resonance remains, leaving the Ottawa region and beyond one of the strongest earth based vibrationally charged locations on Earth!  

~ Love and Light, Kathy

Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Grand Cross and You

Shifts in earth and astral energies can significantly impact us as Lightworkers. Finding that over the past two weeks, people have been experiencing a lot of change (chosen and not chosen), physical complaints and at the same time amazing energy shifts and insights.

Though you may be feeling challenged, revel in the change and the expansion you are and will experience. For many of you, you will look back in 6 months time and notice what significant shifts you have experienced and how your life is unfolding on a higher plane.

My sense is that it is related to the impact of this:


Love and Light, Kathy

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Tools for Grounding

To facilitate and encourage connection with the Root Chakra and the Earth.

Being able to ground yourself as a Lightworker allows you to live with ‘your head in the heavens and your feet on the earth’. Feeling ungrounded usually is the result of a combination of things that may include: stress, too rapid or extended expansion of the Third Eye and Crown chakras, being in phase of rapid spiritual growth or even an imbalance of the body, mind and spirit. A question we are asked the most often at Reiki Ottawa is ‘What are the best ways to ground myself’?  As this could be a weekend seminar, here are four key areas that you can easily incorporate in to your daily practice and life:

Food – Eat root vegetables! This is any vegetable where the part that you eat is grown under the soil. This includes:  parsnips, carrots, potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes, radishes (particularly good if red) ginger, garlic, rutabaga, turnip, onions, beets, edible tubers (think dandelion root for tea).  These following foods where the edible part is above the soil are also great: any red fruit or vegetable, such as   tomatoes, apples, red berries, pomegranates, red plums, blood orange or red peppers. Also try mushrooms, other edible fungi and nuts. Some people find that small amounts of meat are helpful.

Plants – All plants will help with connection to earth. Sitting under or placing one’s hands on a tree is the quickest way to ground. Grass and moss, which are one of the largest groups and oldest types of vegetation on this planet, can be utilized to plant you solidly on the earth. Its prevalence and tenacity makes it easy to find in even the most urban of places.
And subtle and expansive energy to consciously connect with is known as “ green hum.” It is the 'base melody' of the plant world. Its root system can spread for hundreds of miles making it an excellent communicator for earth energies.

Crystals – Exploring and utilizing our friends from the mineral kingdom can really assist with grounding. You may need to explore which works best for you, as most people have one or two that best resonates with them. For grounding, you avoid clear crystals denser stones (one’s that you cannot see through) as they tend to open the higher chakras, which can contribute to that experience of being unbalanced or unfocused. Some of the most optimal stones to use include jasper (especially red mookite), other red stones (except red coral), sodalite, seraphinite, calcite, obsidian, black tourmaline, agate.
It is essential for Lightworkers to fully embrace and actively choose to incorporate practices that ground them. The biblical reference "As is above, so is below" refers to grounding as well. You can only expand in the heavens as much as you expand and are planted in the Earth.
~ Love and Light Samantha Smith and Kathy Glover Scott
Samantha Smith is an integral member of the Reiki Ottawa team. An experienced Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Life Coach, facilitator and gifted Intutitive, She brings to her First and Second Degree and Reiki with Animals students an energized, grounded ,empathic learning experience.
For April she is offering her 'Super Sam Experience' - a 90 minute session with an Intuitive Reading followed by Reiki focusing on the issues and goals that come through the reading. You can reach her at Samantha@ReikiOttawa.com




Monday, February 24, 2014

Message from Ascended Masters

 Two of the greatest benefits of striving and opening to become an enlightened soul are your 1) abilities to receive guidance from the Ascended Masters, and 2) increased ability for them to work with and through you. My abilities in this area rapidly heightened over 12 years ago, when I began studying 5th and 6th Dimension (and now much beyond) through Ann Thomas. (In my practice, I now offer these programs for true enlightened living).
This remarkable lady is an Ascended Being in her own right (though too humble to admit it - a true sign of an ascended being). Here is a recent message which she received:

Messages from Christ and Sananda: 

The term Ascended Master has long been understood to mean one who has acquired a higher or greater understanding of the process of life, one who is able to master the degree of influence his or her mind has over their physical existence. This means being free of the negative effects of the past and so able to make choices from the present moment in time. As we move through this ascension process there is an understanding that all experiences are opportunities for growth. We give up our need for control. There is no need for ego based thoughts. There is more compassion and less critical judgement of others. That we are all part of the whole.

As we become more attuned to life as it is meant to be lived we become more in tune with the Mother Earth and the ebb and flow of her energies which require us to keep a stable balance of peace in our own plane of existence. There is a science to this we are not able to understand now, but we will experience this flow of energy for ourselves, and become more able to feel this earth energy, for we are a part of the Mother too, and must come into alignment with her Laws of Nature as well as the laws of the Universe of Love and Light. As she breathes so do we. As she awakens we do so also, and the beauty that is present here on Earth becomes more available to our senses. The process of disease and aging we have been accustomed to will no longer exist, as our bodies will not grow tired and worn from the extremes of stress they have endured in the past. Death as we have known it will cease to exist, for we will simply transfer from one life to another. The energy of the Earth will take care of the physical form we live in now, just as it was meant to do when life was first created on the Planet Earth.

As we move beyond the steps of Ascension into further enlightenment, we will understand and know the process of life itself. For now we must content ourselves with the knowing that we are moving away from the fear based frequencies and into those based on love that will help us heal and to become whole again. To live on Earth in the past has only been possible for a fragment of our whole self, and we look forward to a time when our whole, pure self, will be able to walk the Earth in full embodiment, and not just a part.

As time, as we know it, comes to an end and we become more completely able to live in the present moment, there will be a shift in consciousness that we have watched and waited for as the new time on Earth begins, and we will celebrate with joy in our knowing of this wonderful place we live in now. Creation of a new life on Earth will create changes in the Universe of Love and Light, for there will be no more need to shield the Earth's energy field to protect her from contaminating the Universe of Love and Light, and she will once again take her rightful place as a jewel among planets in the Universe of Love and Light.

... Just for today live in our heart ...


~ Love and Light, Kathy

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Your Thoughts and Being a Beacon of Light

You are a beacon of light. Even if you rarely know it, or others do not reflect it back to you, you are a beacon of light. As a pure energy being, you shine with a radiance unprecedented on this planet. You are here at the exact, correct time with the exact, correct configuration in your life. Know that Truth is not always Obvious and allow US to help you move forward.

Following Guidance today, I went to this page - this blog that I write - and allowed this message above to move through me to ME and to YOU. Seems I was having a little 'pity party' this morning (having the sniffles and the temperature outside being sub-zero for weeks doesn't help). I was told to 'listen up' today, and share this message from Guidance with you, trusting that it will bolster you and shift you from the January blah's...

Following this theme. the link below came to me on Facebook today (Thank-you David of Reiki Windsor). Many of you know Dr. Masaru Emoto's work with energy and consciousness with water. By following the link below, you will see a recent experiment showing scientific proof of the power of our thoughts - whether positive, negative or indifferent.

Once you have watched it, become an 'observer of your thoughts' in your life. Notice how your thinking may be reactive about yourself or others. Notice how you may 'talk to your plants better than yourself'. Notice the opportunities appear to change this!

The new year is often about goals. You may have set some for yourself earlier this month, but have you been consistently sending them the energy of your loving, supportive, enthusiastic thoughts to fuel them to fruition? Dr. Emoto's work reminds me of how inconsistent I've been with this myself...

~ Love and Light, Kathy