Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year! 

We've continued to experience many shifts over the past year. These seem to fall in to two categories: 1)the experiences of advanced Lightworkers as their consciousness rapidly expands post December 2012 and 2)those who are just becoming acquainted with their 'soul self' and finding their 'aha moments' happening at the speed of light (sometimes uncomfortably).

You may recall this following exercise from my blog from a year ago. It is a great one to do at the beginning of each year. It allows you to have some insight or visioning to the themes in your life in the upcoming year.

Spiritual Insights for 2014Exercise:
 Read through the following directions a couple of times before beginning. Do the meditation at a time where your energy is strong and feeling grounded – and I find being in sunlight helps!

What you will need:
Paper (or journal) and pen.
Place and time for undisturbed meditation of about 30 minutes.

How to proceed:
  • On your paper/in your journal put the title: Spiritual Insights for 2014
  • On the left hand side of the page, write down the months from January to December (double-space).
  • Your intention during meditation is to ‘be open to receive’ one word or phrase for each month that is the theme for that month for you in your life. When you receive it, write down the first clear impression that you receive. (A clear impression may start as an image, sound, sensation and let it morph to clarity without trying to figure it out!) The key is to stay in your heart and out of your head!

The Process:
Begin as you would any meditation that you do with a focus on breath. If you have ‘brain chatter’, the key is not fighting it, but rather avoid giving it energy.

Drop in to your heart space as the answers will come here (not in your mind). While beginning your meditation, you may want to apply light pressure with your finger tips on your heart chakra in the centre of your chest and focus your breath in that area.
As you feel more relaxed and your attention easily stays in your heart you can begin to think the word for each month in turn, waiting for the response. When it feels fully formed, write it down next to that month. Move on to the next month.

You may or may not be able to complete the 12 months in one meditation. It is really important not to judge, analyze or edit your responses. Here is the example of what appeared for me for the beginning of this year:
January – Innovation
February – Laughter
March – Resolve

I’ll return to my complete list throughout the year – to see how things are evolving and to  prepare for what is to come. Enjoy! 
Love and LIght, Kathy Glover Scott

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Shifts in the Field and the Impact on You

Over the past few weeks, many Lightworkers have been telling me that they are in a place of struggle and have been asking “what is happening with the energies on the planet”? As I check in with the earth field and with other Lightworker teachers, ‘things’ seem to be relatively calm overall. Though at the same time, the following will shine light on your experience:

1) An Ascended Master is a much evolved spiritual leader, teacher and agent of change. Some have lived human lives, and some have not. A little over a week ago, one of our few earthly Ascended Masters transitioned to a higher realm.  Nelson Mandela is a man who with God found the courage and strength to survive unbearable obstacles and to go forward and be the agent of change for a people, a country, the world AND the field of spiritual consciousness.

As a Lightworker, you are connected with a limitless field of energy. Within this energy, there is consciousness. When there is a huge movement in the energy of the field – as with the passing of Mandela – then you will experience it on some level. This may not be in your conscious thoughts, though you may feel it or it shows up somehow in your life to be addressed.

Are you feeling grief, sadness and loss in your life? What a great opportunity to embrace, feel, move and release old grief that you may still be carrying. And old grief can be like a caustic aggravator of fear. Personal evolution and digging deep inside you are woven together. 

2) To build on the concept that personal evolution and digging deep within yourself go hand in hand, you will move through times that will offer you the opportunity for life changing transition. This may be a time for you!

To move through this time and release old emotions, here are some tools that can assist:
  • Check out your fear level in your body. Our physical self is constructed to react with fear when threatened. An old pattern or emotion rising to the surface can be interpreted as a ‘threat’ by the body. For a Lightworker, it is not a threat but a gift. Consciously think of it this way, and use the tools and techniques that you have learned (REIKI) to stabilize your emotions and nurture yourself.

  • Go to your journal. Write about your feelings and experience. Even though you are writing, know that you are not alone. For a Lightworker, the process of journaling connects you directly to your Guides and gives them direction on what you require. Writing also moves the energy up, through and out your body. Often, angst is amplified by ‘stuck energy’.
  •  Avoid getting crutches. A crutch is a choice that you make to reduce, numb or avoid what you are feeling. We all have obvious crutches, yet choosing them as a balm for your angst will only make it worse and you will revisit what needs to be moved energetically at some point in time. 

  •   Turn to others for assistance as needed. (I know in my early process of healing, I did not do this enough and created more suffering for myself). Choose wisely. Going to neither someone who has not historically been supportive of you nor ‘gets’ that you are as a Lightworker is not a good choice when you are feeling in crisis. Choosing someone who will enable you and allow you to see yourself as a victim is not the best choice either.
  •  Turn to someone who you know is on the Lightworker path, even if you do not know them all that well. We really see each other in times of need and it is built in us to stick together.  If you perceive that there is no one, what is your learning in this? Sounds like it is a wakeup call for you to find a mentor or teacher or become an active part of a Lightworker community.
~ Love and Light, Kathy

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Your Significant Other and Your Enlightenment Journey

One question that I am frequently asked by students is about their significant other, spouse or partner and moving forward on the path of enlightened living. Wondering if they can move forward with their healing and learning if their spouse does not is a question that always has fear attached to it.  Related to this, I’m also often asked if a person can date someone who is not on the spiritual path.

Whenever this question comes up, I flash back to a time in my life around 12 years ago where I struggled with this question in my own relationship.  I was experiencing a time of rapid expansion and moving from fifth to six dimensional consciousness and felt like my whole life was being shaken up. (Now I know that the experience of ‘the rug being pulled out from under you’ actually heralds a time of great opening and learning). My panic at that time was being with my husband for 12 years, with two young children and believing that for me to be who I really am that he needed to go there with me. Holding onto this created sleepless nights for me, incredible stress and many, many tears.

I know that some divine intervention planted the idea in my (often stubborn) head, to stop having this belief and its subsequent thoughts and to focus on what works in my relationship with him. Though I struggled with this, I pushed myself to be vigilant about my thoughts and saw our life with new eyes. In a very miraculous way, I realized that he was put on my path not to take the same journey, but rather to help ground me on the earth. I also began to see that in his own way he was, and is, a wizard each and every day. He really does not have to learn what I learn or do what I do. There were and are times, where ‘I wish’ we both speak this same language, yet unwaveringly know that for a much higher purpose that this is the relationship I am meant to be.

Over the past 12 years, I’ve addressed this question of needing your partner to be on the same spiritual path innumerable times in groups and with individuals. Here is a set of guidelines have developed to assist you (or a friend) pondering this in your own life:

1.       No one can be on an active seeking path 100% of the time. Our bodies, and particularly our endocrine system, are not built for it. Does your significant other provide you with grounding, nurturing, laughter, activity and a break from the intensity at this journey can often be?

2.       Search yourself, and ask from your heart (not your mind) how important it is for you that your partner be on the active spiritual path?

3.       Does your significant other support you in your soul expansion, even if they are not actively engaged in the process themselves? Know that support can have many different faces, from being very clear and direct (e.g., taking the children to the park so you can meditate), to being very subtle (e.g.  turning down the volume so you can read).

4.       If you have a significant other that demeans or shames or judges you personally on your soul path on a regular basis, this is indicative of a serious relationship issue and needs to be addressed.

5.       If this shaming or judging occurs rarely, it may simply be your partner’s inability to ask you about your journey, or their reaction to your process of healing. Whenever you heal an aspect of yourself, or align with a higher vibration, it shifts the balance of your relationship. This does not mean that you should ignore it, but address it in a responsive way with love and compassion - while not allowing their fear to infiltrate you.

6.       Is there anything else in your relationship that is toxic or blocks you being in an enlightened life space? This can include anything that undermines the strength of your lower three chakras – the root of foundation in your life, your creative expression or intuitive side or your sense of being in your power and meeting the requirements of life. Avoid sticking your head in the sand, and respond with communication and action to shift and heal what else may be getting in the way for you.

Please feel free to pass the link to this blog on to others – my sense is that this information will help many with their struggle with their most personal, earthly relationship while being on the path of enlightened living. (By the way, we will be celebrating our 25th anniversary next October and laugh every day).

~ Love and Light, Kathy


Monday, October 21, 2013

Who'll Stop the Rain?

On Saturday, October 19th, I was thrilled to attend the wedding of one of my Fifth Dimensional Consciousness students. She is an amazing energy worker with a profound connection with nature and beautiful from the inside-out. The location was a rural conference centre on the outskirts of Ottawa called Strathmere,  where I had spoken on several occasions. From these experiences, I knew how the earth energies came together in a very powerful way at Strathmere (though it is not promoted as such).

Ottawa, Canada is the coldest capital city in the world. Holding an outdoor wedding service on the third weekend of October can have its challenges. During the afternoon in my west end neighbourhood, the skies opened up and fall thunderstorm boomed. I immediately moved to action, sending energy, light and pure intention to the unwavering belief that it was not going to rain on their wedding. Arriving at the center, the rain began to fall and the sky was quite ominous, becoming blacker by the minute.
As we sat outside waiting for the service to begin, my intention still remained that it would not rain for them today. I kept telling that to my husband, who had gone to the car for an umbrella. Around me, people complained about the cold, the rain and having to be outside. The more I heard complaints, the further I pulled into my heart center, scanning my energy field to ensure that I was not connected to any negativity. Through connecting with my solar plexus, I felt very rock-solid core strength within myself, and called on nature around me to strengthen the resolve and intention that it was not going to rain today.

Looking to the to the clouds, they continued to darkened and I could hear my left-brain voice telling me that I was crazy and it was not going to help. I used my intention to override that voice, while calling upon Ascended Masters to help. Activating the symbols from Fifth Dimensional Consciousness program and beginning to ‘two- point’ the sky, as learned through Matrix Energetics, moved my intention further into action. So as things appeared bleak, I held my resolve and sensed that Saint Germain was assisting.
My awareness held deep in this intention and I totally believed that another reality was ‘for the highest good’. I was aware that people began to look to the sky. The black clouds shifted direction, the winds calmed and the rain stopped. It actually became slightly warmer. A couple of minutes later, the beautiful service amongst the trees and the fall leaves began, and the weather remained steady.

The bottom-line is that I did not change the weather. I simply held, with all the strength, ability and knowledge available to me, the belief that an alternative reality of a much higher vibration was present. Through my heart and buoyed by my power centre (solar plexus), I accessed the realm of all possibility and was the conduit for a better one showing up!
Additional exercise: Print out this blog, and underline everything you find everything that I used to enable the new reality. You'll find a mini-course on manifesting!

 ~ Love and Light, Kathy

Friday, September 20, 2013

How to Treat Emotional Trauma and Crisis with Reiki

Sharing with you  the optimal way to give a treatment to someone who has experienced a recent shock, trauma or tragedy is what I am guided to give you now. Here in Ottawa, Canada, we experienced an event this week where a public transit bus collided with a train, leaving six dead and dozens of others injured – as well as the impact on the families and the emergency and medical personnel who assisted with this accident.

When someone experiences a major trauma or event in their life, it impacts their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self.  As a Reiki Master or Practitioner, you will be assisting people who come to you with post-traumatic experiences, both fresh and from the past. The energy of a crisis is what most often leads people to seek assistance from others. Often is the case that the crisis or trauma leaves a person feeling so exposed and anxious that they become very open to energy work. In working with someone in crisis, you’ll find that there are often long-term issues underlying the immediate symptoms that they are presenting.

In working with people in crisis for nearly 30 years, I’ve developed an approach that works exceptionally well in assisting them in moving out of the shock of the crisis and regaining a sense of safety and calm. As the treatment provider, there are two key elements for you to know:

A) You cannot take anyone, anywhere that you are not yourself. That means if you are reeling from the crisis, feeling agitated or anxious, it’s essential to heal and nurture yourself first. Before the session, you will need time to centre and ground yourself to Mother Earth (roots moving out of the bottom of your feet work very well). After the session, you will need time and space to ‘debrief’ yourself. This means scanning your whole being, and releasing to the Earth any and all fear or trauma that you may have inadvertently picked up during the session.

B)If you have not been trained as a psychotherapist, then you are not one. I know that statement may seem harsh, yet it is really common for energy work practitioners to overstep their skill set, especially when someone is scared and in crisis. You’re profoundly important job for this person is to get them back in their bodies, reduce their fear and allow Reiki to nurture them and returned to them a sense of safety. Counseling people who have experienced trauma is very complex and it is easy to reinforce the trauma rather than be a catalyst to relieve it.

Here are the steps I use with rapid results for assisting someone in crisis. The intention of this type of treatment is not to expand them spiritually through working with the higher chakras, rather it is to activate and strengthen the lower three chakras. As with any treatment, you will be called to work in different areas of the body, though avoid the head. A person in crisis often has an overstimulated Third Eye area, and additional energy to the area is detrimental. If you are called to work around the head, e.g. that they have a headache, and then do so with the hands off the body at least 6 inches away. Use symbols as you would in any treatment.

 1) Setting up the room: have the person take off all crystals they may be wearing. Remove all high vibrational crystals from the area, especially around their head. If you are drawn to keep any in the room - which may be the case with Selenite - keep it behind or near you. It is most effective to only use crystals on the lower three chakras and at the knees and feet. Jasper, Carnelian and Calcite can be used in any of these areas. Using Kyanite for a posttraumatic treatment is highly recommended, especially when placing it on or between the knees.
 Ensure that the music you use is very calming, avoiding music with crystal bowls, high octave chanting or loud sounds. Avoid strong scent in the room, unless you are familiar with aromatherapy.

2) If you work hands-on, ask the person if they are comfortable with touch as many people who have experienced trauma are hypersensitive. Give them permission to tell you during the session if they become so. Have extra blankets available, and let them know that they may feel cold or shaky during the session and they should advise you when this occurs. Be conscious during the session of your connection to the Earth at all times.

3) Begin with your hands about 6 inches away from the bottom of their feet. Place Usui symbols there, plus any advanced healing symbols you may know (if you have taken the Higher Degrees of Reiki with me, use the symbols for healing and connection to the Earth). Next, place your hands on the top of their feet, having the client take several deep breaths and fully releasing the air from their lungs. Notice the rhythm of your breath, and breathe deeply and slowly as the person will begin to mimic your breathing.

4) Move up to their Third Chakra area which is the access area for the kidneys and adrenal glands. Focus your intention on bringing harmony and balance to the adrenal glands. When a person is in crisis or long-term stress, the adrenals become too overstimulated and unable to rest. Remain here for at least 5 to 10 minutes.

5) Move next to the Root Chakra area, placing one hand on each side of their body. People often experience a split or fracture in the energy of the root chakra, following a trauma. Visualize bringing all parts of the root chakra to one powerful whole with it regaining its optimal circular motion and colour. Ensure that you are comfortable as this usually takes 5 to 10 minutes, and you know that you are complete. As you will feel the shift in their body and yours.

6) Next, move to the knees, working with one knee at a time, placing one hand above and one hand on the back of the knee. Behind the knee is a powerful deep chakra that relate to the ability to move forward, as people in trauma are often very stuck. Each knee will take 3 to 5 minutes, and then moved to having one hand on the top of each knee, with your intention that they find balance and regain their ability to work together.

7)Moved to the Heart Chakra. Place your hands. 2 to 5 inches above the heart, thinking of the colors pink and green and focus on filling them with the great love that comes through Reiki. Remain here for at least five minutes, knowing that your client may weep at this part of the session.

8) To complete this session, you return to the feet, working with them individually with one hand on the top and one on the bottom for at least 3 to 5 minutes per foot. Your intention is to focus on them being very grounded and nurtured as they move forward from this point in time. You may want to add the Distance Symbol so that the Reiki will continue to work for some time in the future. Finish with balancing both feet and giving a prayer of thanks.

~ Love and Light, Kathy

Friday, August 16, 2013

Reiki to Diffuse the Power of Pain

It sure feels good to have the energy, the focus in the desire to be writing again. Four weeks ago I surrendered to the need for extensive shoulder surgery-the result of an injury incurred caring for my mother, repetitive strain from wreaking treatments and from a fall while hiking on an icy path. Though one’s mind could go on and on trying to figure out the higher meaning for all of this, I realized that it was simply one of those things that happen in life. Of course, there are always lessons and many of mine came through surrendering to the process.

One of the greatest ‘aha moments’ that I’ve experienced through this is that of how all powerful that pain tries to be. After spending 20 years teaching Reiki and other advanced energy work and assisting people with pain, I thought I knew a lot about it. Yet, going through the greatest physical pain of my life (and have given birth twice), provided me with so many insights that I’ll be sharing with you in my next few blogs.

Here are three things I’d like to share with you today:

1) Physical pain is one of the strongest forces on the planet that can impact spiritual growth. For those of you who work with archetypes, you know that they embody a group of characteristics that control behavior usually with the intention to keep a person separate from their core self. Pain is an archetype, and one that will bring the worst out in people. (I believe that I have stayed in my heart center fairly well, though my family will say there were times when a very childlike part of me was in charge).

2) My experience deeply reminded me how powerful Reiki is as a warrior in the face of physical pain. At those times when I could not do Reiki myself, I could feel the force of the Reiki being sent to me by others. At those times when I felt the most helpless, the distance Reiki being sent, allowed me to be calm, feeling nurtured and wrapped in a blanket of love. Thank you all.

3) As healing occurred, I began to actively support my body and address the pain through treatments. Doing this reminded me of how empowering Reiki is, keeping me out of the void of feeling like a victim that I could feel calling at times. I knew that if I went into victims thinking, the pain would be victorious.

My suggestion to you today, is to send distance healing to someone that you know who is in pain. Especially, those people in your life who may be in chronic pain. It is really easy for us as human beings to minimize their experience as we get used to them being that way. And if you have any kind of chronic pain, send Reiki to the root cause within yourself without needing to figure out the source. My next blog will speak further on self-healing.
~ Love and Light, Kathy

Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Reality of Energy Stealers

Since the beginning of this month, there has been an underlying current of sabotaging energy being experienced by Lightworkers. You may have experienced it on a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual level - and many people are experiencing it related to work. (Even if you are on vacation, you may have sense of 'something is up' or an inability to relax and let go).

Know that it is not your fault - as sensitive beings, we Lightworkers easily move to self-blame. This is an external, global pressure trying to disempower our knowing and abilities. Use all the tools and techniques you have to 1) ground your energy to the earth, while visualizing connection to rock within the earth, 2) shield your physical being, and 3) make choices not to place yourself in toxic or overwhelming situations.

With this latter point - toxic environments that you can choose not to be part of - be very mindful of the choices that you make while on the internet. At its highest vibration, the internet has been a profound tool for connecting our energies, for new learning and to find the 'soul food' that you require. At its lower vibrations, it can leach your energy slowly through unfocused surfing, excessive game playing, or searching for and connecting with people on Facebook who no longer serve your energy. The internet can leach your energy quickly as well, including energy stealers disguised as spiritual gurus.

Discernment is the key when on the internet. If something does not feel right, don't go there. If you feel yourself being lost in a site or in certain teachings, step away until you sense whether it really is for your highest good. Many Lightworkers are losing their power through their addiction to the internet - if you have an addictive nature (especially from a family of origin with addictions) this is especially important for you.

Here are some indicators for Advanced Lightworkers that somehow your energy is being compromised if:

1) You are finding that for 2-3 months your energy has been like a roller-coaster. (When you go through periods of growth and activation of higher vibration within, you can experience this effect and 2 to 3 weeks at the most).

2) You are finding it is challenging to move back to your heart centre at any time, but especially when under stress.

3) You you are not experiencing more Joy in your life overall over the past 2 to 3 months.

As my ego struggles to give you a simple answer to this, I hear " There is only Self-Love". Meditations and healing where you focus on yourself, sending self-love to your core is essential. If emotion arises, do not be anxious about it. Allow it to move through you - it is simply old, stored energy that you no longer require and is getting in the way of strength and joy. Self-love is the foundation for your being, the source of your power and your link to the Universe. To assist yourself and others, you can add this prayer to your daily practice:

"My Guardians and Guardians of those whom I love,
Shield us from psychic attack and those who steal energy".

~ Love and Light, Kathy

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Manifesting in Las Vegas?

As a veteran Lightworker (with both scars and medals to prove it), my intention as always been to fully enjoy all the Dimensions that we are able to move through and revel in. This includes the 3rd Dimension. When writing down my intentions for 2013, I included allowing my soul to manifest optimal and fun travelling experiences this year. Though Las Vegas was not on my personal radar, a trip connected with my husband's work appeared and fit for both of us to attend. At first, my Lightworker mind questioned the trip, yet quickly surrendered to trusting that my soul had set this up.

Approaching this trip, I knew that going to 'sin city' and its extreme energy could be a challenge for my energy to withstand. Also knowing that the 'thief archetype' is thriving there (the whole place is set up to remove as much energy/money from a visitor as possible), I knew I needed to prepare. Undaunted, I energetically prepared myself with the intention to live from my heart chakra continually, asking Guidance to be with me at all times AND to attract joy-based experiences and people. Based on my intentions, here are some synchronistic experiences that spelled FUN.

One of my Earth Angels, my aunt Gayle, just 'happened to be in Las Vegas' with her daughter Lou the exact same week. In my intentions this year, I also requested the opportunity to spend time with those I love who do not live nearby.

On a practical level, there was a Whole Foods store one bus stop away from our hotel (with being gluten free for over 30 years, this was essential). Upon our arrival at the hotel, I requested a fridge for our room and was quoted $39 per night. While listening to this, I clearly directed my Guides to make it happen for free. In the next breath, the clerk said 'Ok, I'll tell them you need it for medicine'. Bingo.

Upon arriving at our hotel, I kept feeling the presence of crystalline energy. Wondering if someone left one in our room, I looked around but none were there. Two days later, I needed to go to a breakfast in one of the other towers of our hotel, connected by an underground passage to ours. Turning a corner, I noticed an alcove with a display case in each corner holding two of the biggest crystals I have ever seen! Both were quartz from Mt. Ida, Arkansas and held every type of inclusion or rainbow (energy centres) you could imagine! When I laughed out loud, I did get a few weird looks, but I know that you will appreciate it!

I continually met people from all over the world who were visiting for many different reasons. This lead to many spiritual conversations, and a real experience 'of the oneness of all'.

We had purchased tickets for the Cirque du Soleil show, 'O', before our trip, though energetically never felt really connected to the experience. On the evening of the show, 40 minutes after show time it was cancelled due to a technical glitch. Though the others in our group were very disappointed, I felt really O.K. and neutral with a sense that something better will occur.

Then, we were able to get discount tickets for another Cirque show, Ka, This word actually means fire and energetic movement, reflective of our own personal Ka and that of the world as a whole. As soon as I walked in to the theatre, had an overwhelming sense of needing to be here. While sitting in the 6th row of this colourful and active production, I fought sleep. Each time my eyes briefly closed, I felt surrounded by energy and light and left the theatre with a huge sense of expansion that remains.

I could go on for quite a while about the experiences on this trip. Here are some tips for manifesting that came through clearly:

  • Put your soul in charge of manifesting and trust the results. Know that as a Lightworker, that there always is a higher purpose to wherever you find yourself!

  • Give yourself permission to have over-the-top fun - we are far too serious on this journey.

  • Stay in your heart and ask your Guidance to help you do so. When you stay in your heart, you 1)attract that which is for your highest good, 2)repel what is not, and 3)be able to hear the advice of your 'higher self' and your Guides.

  • Don't waste time with disappointment or frustration - feel it and let it going with the belief that something better is in the works!

  • Get out of your comfort zone - things you would never think possible are waiting there for you.

So, for me, what happened in Vegas gladly came home!

~  Love and Light, Kathy

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Manifesting Dr. Who

My 19 year old daughter and I felt compelled for us to take a trip that would give us lifelong memories. Focusing on Ireland and the UK, I asked where she would like to go, she emphatically replied, “Cardiff, Wales!” Her reason: the BBC films ‘Dr. Who’ there.   Now, this 40 year old British science fiction T.V. series is a favorite of our family. My husband has watched it since its inception and our daughter, Tegan, was named after a character on the show.

Prior to our departure, my daughter did her homework. She searched high and low on the internet for locations and sites for filming and any connections that she could make to actually see the show being filmed. She was confident and diligent with her research and intention, though did not have much to go on when we left home.

Upon arriving Cardiff, I napped and she went out to explore local comic book store. With Dr. Who books in hand, she met two young students who remarked on her interest. One of them, a real Dr. Who fan, provided her with a walking tour of filming locations in downtown. It also seems that this person was part of an elite group who kept apprised when and where filming was happening!

So I found myself at 6:30 PM in the cold rain, hopping on a train, to a little town called Caerphilly. This quaint town appeared quite deserted upon our arrival. When we finally found someone and asked “Have you seen any filming around here?” He said, “At the Castle”. My daughter and I looked at each other and said, “Castle?” Walking in the direction where he pointed, we turned a corner and were surprised by a huge medieval castle, complete with a moat, right in front of us. We didn’t see any filming trucks though did find some cable running into the Castle from a power box, giving us a clue that they may be returning.  Though it was two hours after closing, the curator of the museum came out and said that he was working late and that they would be back in the morning to finish. Undaunted, we knew we would return the next day.

Arriving the next morning at 9:30, still in the rain, we purchased an admission to the Castle and tried not to look like stalkers. After about 90 minutes, my intuition directed us to stand in one particular spot. Within five minutes, we looked down the hill and there through a huge stone arch walked Matt Smith, the actor who plays Dr. Who in full attire and directly behind him was Karen Gillan, who plays his 'companion', Amy Pond. See the photos below that will tell you how thrilled my daughter was to manifest Dr. Who!

While reflecting on our experience, I saw how brilliantly my daughter had manifested her dreams. Here are some of the highlights of what she did that can help you as well to bring your most precious desires to fruition:

1) Dream big.

2) Pursue your quest with joy and expectancy.

3) Do your homework.

4) Develop a plan and move to action.

5) Believe that it can occur.

6) Watch for synchronicity; trust your intuition and following it.

7) Never allow magical thinking (believing that something will magically occur to make it happen) to dominate your intention.

8) Lead with the energy of attraction rather than the energy of pursuit. The latter contain fear elements and will actually push your goal away.

9) Carefully choose with whom you share your plan. Make sure that the person is someone who approaches life with the belief of abundance rather than scarcity, a person who strives to live a fearless life, and who really has your best interest at heart.

10). Have fun! Avoid becoming overly serious when manifesting. Be in the frequency of joy, allowing worry and ‘expectation of outcome’ to fall away. Have an adventure!

~ Love and Light, Kathy

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Mary, Margaret and Manifesting
In my previous post, 5th Dimensional Consciousness and the power of intention was addressed. We are in a time of 'renewal and expansion' and observe how these energies are moving through your life. For those living from Spirit, the ability to manifest has never been stronger. 
The following story is a great example of how our ability to attract and manifest has rapidly opened during this time:

My sister, Mary, studied and performed improvisational comedy with the Second City Troupe in Toronto in the early 1990's. As with improvisation, the actors ask the audience for input as to what topics or people to include in their skits. One evening and audience member yelled the name ‘Margaret Atwood’ and Mary played her in the sketch. While not being very familiar with whom she was, Mary did a great job of it – and Margaret Atwood, who happened to be in the audience that night - told her this when they were introduced after the show.

Fast forward to 2013, with Mary living in Windsor and still performing in a professional group. In late 2012, she really began to study  manifesting, focusing her thoughts and surrendering to her highest good. She told me that last week she began thinking about Margaret Atwood and that she should finally read one of her books.  And while thinking about it, she thought it would be great to find one with an autograph.  She put going to a used book store in Windsor on her ‘to do’ list for this week.

A few days later, while in the social room of her condo building, she noticed a hardcover book by Margaret Atwood on the free books shelf. She remembered her thoughts and laughed to herself while thanking the Universe. Two more days passed until she began to read it. On the third page in, the following was inscribed “To Mary, Best Wishes, Margaret Atwood 1993”.
My sister and I chatted and laughed about this until the tears were running down my face. She said that from this, she learned so much that reminds us of the foundation for great manifesting: 1) That thoughts are the basis of all manifesting and 2) it’s the thoughts that we think in a light-hearted way are the ones' that come to fruition most easily.

My blog over the next couple of months will focus on Manifesting. I'll also include the observations and experiences of an ascended level Lightworker (aka myself) in the process - the next couple of months are going to be unique ones in my life and will share this with you!

                                                                                                                                   ~ Love and LIght, Kathy

Kathy Glover Scott is a Reiki Master (Ascended Levels), teacher of the 5th and 6th Dimensional Programs, Certified Matrix Energetics Practitioner whose passion is to teach others of how to evolve with your feet on the ground. Send this blog to others please - especially to those who are intentionally Manifesting in their lives!


Monday, May 6, 2013

Living 5th Dimensional Consciousness

As I begin to write this while on my back deck on a beautiful early summer morning, two crows are flying circles around me, cackling as they pass. They are egging me on, supporting me in writing this. As a twenty year Lightworker, I've felt much loneliness in the past. Learning and believing that I am supported and that my connections are multidimensional - such as these early morning friends - my life feels so full.

Many Lightworkers have a deep sense of loneliness or sadness while on their journey. The key is not to fall in to victim-thinking or self-blame. It is part of the process of learning to live and enlightened life. I've found over the years that this loneliness or sadness is usually the result of a disconnect between a person's energetic vibration and their soul's knowing of how they are meant to be vibrating in this lifetime. And this an be compounded by soul memory of how you energetically lived and the abilities that you had in past lifetimes.

Living in 5th Dimensional Consciousness and higher is so readily available to us now with the new consciousness. In this frequency, spiritual, earth-based beings often find a sense of Home. This Frequency is what many have been searching for and when anchored in it, much of your inner conflict, life conflicts and personal angst falls away. Your need to hold on to it cannot and does not need to hold on when living in this high vibration. Your abilities and gifts (that your higher self knows you have) open and become revealed for you to embrace and develop.
Through the attunements, teachings and symbols in the program that I teach, you are aligned with the 5th Dimension. In the meantime, here are a few tips for you to begin to access and live more fully in these energies:
  • Meditate on ocean energies, connecting with those beings who live there. Use music to help bring you there. Dolphins are a wonderful Gatekeeper for our ability to access and strengthen with ocean energies. See my recent smooch-fest with one. (I'll be sharing more 5th DC stories with dolphins in upcoming blogs).
  • Become an observer of  your own thoughts and language. It is nearly impossible to hold the 5th Dimensional Frequency if most of your day is spent putting yourself down and judging others. Really begin to notice the patterns of your thoughts and words, committing to change your behaviour one pattern at a time.
  • As you move through your day, believe in the Oneness of All. Notice evidence of our interconnection as you move through the day. You'll be surprised at how this increases the number of synchronicities you will begin to experience!!!

~ Love and Light, Kathy

Friday, April 19, 2013

Healing Directive for Boston - Please Start Today

Healing Directive for Boston

While meditating and praying for those in Boston this morning, a directive on how to help came through to share with you. I saw a picture that I remember from childhood – Jesus surrounded by little children.

The message is that Boston is a highly concentrated center for Crystal Children. It is essential to send Reiki, prayers and healing intention to the children of Boston – especially to their hearts – so that the terror that they (and the adults around them) are experiencing does not become an entrenched pattern for them in their life.

Use any and all tools you have today to send to the children. (Even with First Degree Reiki you can help more than you can ever know). Dedicate 10 minutes at a time to doing this as frequently as you can today, asking to connect with the Reiki stream flowing to the children’s hearts.

Send this message on to anyone else you can think of, especially those in the Boston area.

~ Love and Light, Kathy

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Listen, Listen, Listen

During a recent 5th Dimensional Consciousness Step 2 class, the following message came through during the attunement process. As you read it, feel it as well - an energy to strengthen you flows with the words of this message:

Listen, listen, listen to the call that is stirring deep within you. It is a call that comes from the directions – north, east, south and west. It’s a call that comes through the elements – the wind, the water – and particularly to bring this new energy to you. Feel the breeze, feel the wind and when you feel wind upon you know that it is divinely guided and here to strengthen you and nurture you and to know that you are not alone.

Your Guides are speaking through you now. Look not for their words but rather look for the synchronicities, the coincidences, the gifts you are given, the people you meet, the chances that you have to express yourself as a spiritual being in your daily life. That is all how Guidance works through you.

There are times that you will feel Presence and that will increase now. You will hear words and notice words that have particular meaning for you. Listen and know that they are being said just for you as part of your soul expansion. You are leading the parade, as being at the forefront of bringing this new consciousness to the planet. You are meant to be who you are right now. Forget and let go of thinking of what is meant to come next and about who you are meant to be. You are who you are meant to be. Own that; own that with every breath that you take.
~ Love and LIght, Kathy


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Essence of Your Soul
One of my Fifth Dimensional Consciousness students recently asked the following question:

I want to know if any spiritual work as well as increasing the vibration and the progress and achievements made in this present life, would follow us to the next lifetime, or we need to learn again because we forget. I am referring to the levels of Reiki and 5th and 6th Dimensional program.

What a great question, and I am guided to share the response with you. (As I write this, I sense a couple of Ascended Masters coming through to assist).

As you come in to this life, your soul is complete and holds all of your past learning and the key to higher realms of consciousness and expanding your gifts. Your third-dimensional or earth-based life is about uncovering, discovering, embracing and learning what you require to live fully from your soul. The essence of your soul is divine light and life is about how you allow that light to shine. When you learn to live an enlightened life, then you live with your soul in charge.

As I am writing this, a continuum is being shown to me. When you enter the world you are pure in your essence yet with a sacred contract to fulfill in this lifetime. At an early age, what you are taught and learn to believe fits intricately with how your sacred contract needs to unfurl in this life. Adolescents can be a time of upheaval for many young people their subconscious begins to recognize the chasm between what they have learned and believe (especially about themselves) juxtaposed with their soul’s genuine path. Much of the angst of adolescence is fuelled by this.

As a youth begins to make adult decisions, opportunities arise that will align them with their soul path and purpose. When they have experienced trauma or challenges or have limited tools as they move in to adulthood, then patterns occur and they can become stuck recreating these patterns through adulthood. Opportunities and people will appear on their path (and on your path) to help you get out of these ‘life loops’, yet they may not be recognized due to the depth of the individual’s life illusions and addictions – and lack of self-awareness. These three elements are keys to living with your soul in charge: 1) the desire and commitment to see life without illusions, 2) release addictive behaviours and beliefs and 3) develop self and spiritual awareness.

When one commits to their own evolution, a light goes on inside. That light shines from the soul. Oliver Wendell Holmes said “Once the mind has been stretched by a new idea, it will never again return to its original size.” The same goes for the soul – a hundred fold. Once the soul light is allowed to shine, the impetus for it to become brighter and brighter through your lifetime is a force that cannot be shut off. You can try (I know I have at times in the past), but it cannot be done.

So, how does this all relate to the original question asked by my student? New consciousness writings often say that the ‘soul is here to learn’. Actually, your soul does not need to learn a thing! It is human beings that need to learn how to live as spiritual beings first and foremost.  The brighter you allow your light to become in this lifetime; your enlightenment path begins where you left off the next lifetime. Your diligence, learning, compassion and ‘brightness’ achieved in this lifetime, follows you to the next. So you may not consciously remember specific tools or techniques in your next life, but your expanded ability to live with your soul light on makes it much easier to remember and learn the next life.

One very simple way to activate and maintain your soul light is to say throughout the day “I give permission for the light of my soul to be the beacon that guides me today. I allow my soul to be in charge.”
The Fifth Dimensional Consciousness Program activates this bright light of your soul in a rapid yet grounded way and expands your gifts and abilities. Step One of this intensive program begins Thursday, May 23rd. Visit http://www.reikiottawa.com/whatReikiDimension5.html for more details.

~ Love and Light, Kathy 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Prayer in a Time of Renewal and New Life

Here in Canada, we are finally getting a glimpse of springlike weather! The timing of this is truly special as the Easter weekend is beginning and we are in the time of Passover. Both represent a time of new freedom, renewal and faith being rewarded.
Guidance has suggested that the time is right for you to be given this channelled prayer that I received a couple of months ago. Coming through this prayer is Grace, blessings for you and renewed vitality on your journey. I've also been drawn to use and send (distance healing) this prayer to infants. Here are the instructions:
  • For maximum impact, repeat it three times a day for three days.
  • Before beginning, visualize or think of a brightly shining star six inches above your head and six inches below your feet.
  • Repeat the prayer three times, breathing in its message and blessings.
  • As you finish, visualize or think of a merkabah entering your heart chakra in the centre of your chest.
  • Notice what you notice about your thoughts, feelings and actions after completion and as your day unfolds.
Prayer of Renewal
I am of the Earth and of the Sky
Each direction I take Gifts me
Each path I take is of Beauty and Learning
I am well Loved
When using this prayer to anoint an infant, change the 'I's'  to 'You's'.
Enjoy this time of renewal and know that you are well loved!
Love and LIght, Kathy


Friday, March 15, 2013

Over the past couple of weeks, the Ascended Master known as St. Francis of Assisi has been popping in to my consciousness, showing up in treatment sessions and in group meditations. His loving energy and message of compassion and healing has been wonderful to experience. He is the patron saint of animals, and felt his presence when I had the blessed opportunity to swim with dolphins in Cuba early last week. (More on this once I sort out my photos!).

Not surprising the that new pope has taken the name Pope Francis. This is the first time that this name has been used in papal history. Regardless of your beliefs (I'm whats known as a 'lapsed Catholic'), the significance of this spiritual leader for one-sixth of the world's population impacts the shift in consciousness on our planet. In the morphic Field of Oneness, we can impact this shifting energy through our prayers and sending. Let's work together to send energy and prayers for the highest vibration possible through this shift and during his 'reign' that compassion, tolerance, equality, truth and love shines through. The powers that be in Rome have the potential to change this planet as the new consciousness is here - let's send energy for miracles to happen.

One of my favorite prayers is the Prayer of St. Francis. It is a wonderful  one for Lightworkers to say each day. For those of you who have learned the 4-Symbol Healing Attunment from 3rd Degree, you can attune the decision makers in Rome to its teachings:

Prayer of St. Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love.
Where there is injury, pardon.
Where there is doubt, faith.
Where there is despair, hope.
Where there is darkness, light.
Where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive.
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.

Prayer of St. Francis – Original

Seigneur, faites de moi un instrument de votre paix.
Là où il y a de la haine, que je mette l'amour.
Là où il y a l'offense, que je mette le pardon.
Là où il y a la discorde, que je mette l'union.
Là où il y a l'erreur, que je mette la vérité.
Là où il y a le doute, que je mette la foi.
Là où il y a le désespoir, que je mette l'espérance.
Là où il y a les ténèbres, que je mette votre lumière.
Là où il y a la tristesse, que je mette la joie.

Ô Maître, que je ne cherche pas tant à être consolé qu'à consoler,
à être compris qu'à comprendre,
à être aimé qu'à aimer,
car c'est en donnant qu'on reçoit,
c'est en s'oubliant qu'on trouve, c'est en pardonnant qu'on est pardonné,
c'est en mourant qu'on ressuscite à l'éternelle vie.


~original publication in La Clochette in France 1912

Love and Light, Kathy

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Care and Feeding of Your Gatekeeper

In my last post, the need for Lightworkers to be vigilant with their thoughts and not fall in to victim thinking is paramount. It is so easy to do - especially with how we miraculously deal with the Third Dimensional requirements of life while expanding, exploring and communing with higher realms an wisdom. The need for you to invite and establish a new Gatekeeper for your thoughts is one of the higher dimensional requirements now that we are fully in the new consciousness. This Gatekeeper is the aspect of your self which is conscious and noticing your thoughts and patterns of thinking - knowing that these can either support or undermine the intentions of Spirit and of your own spirit.

Your Gatekeeper requires specific care and feeding. Here are some suggestions:

Establish boundaries: make firm and clear decisions about how you are going to think about the daily requirements of life as well as your spiritual journey. Will you allow yourself to dwell on the past or worry about the future? Will you allow yourself to be judgmental of others - and judgmental of your self? Will you continue to let the ego mind convince you that you are less than divine perfection and that part of your soul purpose is how your life is unfolding right now?

Gentle, Gentle, Gentle: Whenever you receive a message and hear it repeated 3 times, you know that it is a very important one for you - and usually from the Angelic Realms (7th Dimension). Your ego mind would like nothing better than for you to battle with it - especially as you notice patterns of thinking that no longer serve you and that you desire to change. When you notice a particularly harmful pattern in your thoughts, the key is to move to neutrality. This means moving to s place of loving kindness and acceptance for yourself as a spiritual being having a human experience based on learning.

Let go of Perfection: Often when people move to becoming observers of their thought patterns, they become frustrated when they do not allevaite 100% of self-defeating and spiritually-sabotaging thoughts. The key is to reduce thought patterns that block Spirit's ability to work with and through you. Think of it this way - if 50% of the time, the patterns of your thoughts are defeating and you can reduce it to 30% of the time, what a phenomenal change you have made. This provides Spirit with 20% more ability to love, nuture and guide you!

One final point, if you are sensitive to other people's energies - and I've never met a Lightworker who isn't - then know that at times your thoughts are not your own. They can be a manifestation of the energies that are around you, especially in stressful or emotional situations. Remind yourself of this when around challenging energies and you will immediately feel more in charge and able to create a wonderful cushion between yourself and the situation in which you find yourself.

Love and Light, Kathy Glover Scott 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Empowering Your Inner Gatekeeper

Many Lightworkers are experiencing a sense of disillusionment post December 2012. In searching yourself, you may find that a part of you had an expectancy that aspects of your life would become 'golden' with the shift in to the New Consciousness and this has simply not happened. This disillusionment often stems from ‘magical thinking’.

Magical Thinking is the realm of the inner child, who is so excited and enlivened by our spiritual experiences and ability to see as others do not. Yet, when the inner child is in charge, we adult Lightworkers think in child-like ways, expecting magical things to happen simply because we wish them. And this magical thinking became part of the mythology of the shift in consciousness with December 2012.

Magical thinking belongs pre December 2012.

Thinking in the ‘realm of magick’ is the absolute way to thrive post December 2012.

Let me explain further. The power of the Mind is formidable. Many have written and believe that the Mind is the All. I beg to differ. Our Heart is the Gateway to the All. This is where we access the zero point field of all possibility.

The Mind is the Gatekeeper to the Gateway (of the Heart). Now this Gatekeeper has all sorts of choices as to how energized and enlightened it will be on a daily basis. And this appears in a cross-section of possibilities from pessimistic, judgmental and destructive to optimistic, organized and creative. And some days, don’t you just find that you bounce between the two extremes?

In this blog, I cannot give you the magical answer for how to change how you think. Living and thriving in the New Consciousness involves making new choices and embracing new learning. This includes putting the ‘toxic ego mind’ on notice that you are hiring a new Gatekeeper so you can thrive as a powerful thinker as the time is right to be so.

As a Lightworker, you have an arsenal of tools to empower your new Gatekeeper. Over the next few blogs, you will learn more about how to do this and open yourself to receive. Just for today, here is where to begin:

Notice how your thinking keeps you believing that you are a victim. One of the real challenges of being a Lightworker is to live ‘multidimensionally’ – which means meeting the requirements of daily life while living with a much more expansive view of who you are. In the third dimensional world of daily life, ‘crappy’ things happen that have an impact upon you. (Let’s let go of the ridiculous notion that as beings of Light we are above this – we are not as we are human). When these things happen, you feel hurt, sad, angry – the range of emotions that may leave you feeling like a victim. But as a Lightworker you are NEVER TO BELIEVE that you are a victim. This is the difference between falling into the swamp of the ego mind or walking on a tropical beach.

Be aware of this as you move through your day. Notice when things happen, how you internalize the impact of them. Do you allow yourself to feel (which is essential to opening the heart chakra)?  And do you begin to believe that you are affected, defined or controlled by the experience? Being a Lightworker means that you never, ever buy in to the second question – it leaves your Gatekeeper disempowered and your Light dims.

Simply notice what you notice in your thought process with gentleness and without judging yourself. Be an ‘observer of your thoughts’.

Friday, February 8, 2013


Mastering Trials of Initiation

Adapting to living in, with and through this higher vibration readily available to us now has been a challenge for many. You would think that everything would be 'easy peasy' now, yet many advanced lightworkers are reporting emotional highs and lows, past angst resurfacing and the pull to shutting down spiritually. Even with living an enlightened life as I do now, I've been feeling it.

'Trials of Initiation' is a fifth dimensional consciousness term very fitting for this time. Since ancient times, for a person moving in to higher spiritual living, greater wisdom and power,  a test appears on their path. The purpose of this test is to challenge the person to see if they are wise, mature, strong and fearless enough to hold the gift before them. And this gift is never for them alone - they are CHOSEN to hold this gift for a group of people and the greater good.

Being a success or failure at the completion of the test does not matter. (Our ego mind does not like this as it perceives things in black and white and people as winners or losers). Rather, a person is successful at their test of initiaion when the following is demonstrated:

Ability to Perservere - to get up over and over when challenges arise. You may feel black and blue inside and out, yet you continue to listen to the higher calling within and embrace the challenge. You keep getting up, knowing that to giving up is not in alignment with your soul purpose.

Creativity - how well you dig deep inside of you for solutions, think outside-the-box and put new ideas and plans in order address the challenge of the test is a key to success. This is about calling in the frequency of creativity through the Divine Feminine and then moving to action using the frequency of the Divine Masculine.

Surrender - know that this does not mean giving up or giving a part of yourself up. (Again that ego mind wants you to believe that you will die if you surrender). Rather, surrender is about allowing your highest vision and knowing to lead you forward, while coaching your inner fears and resistance and not allowing them to 'run the show'.  This includes connecting with your core, nurturing yourself and filter out the external noise and distractions.

The fuel for moving through a Test of Initiaion is going back to Source again and again. Doing this includes using your tools and skills for yourself to keep refilling your tank. This also includes letting those in spirit who assist you know when you are tired, frustrated, scared or wanting to give up. This is their cue to step in, step up and carry you at times through times of challenge.

You do not go through all of this for nothing - REWARDS are on their way. Start by moving through your day with the thought that you are 1)open to receive and 2)ready for your rewards. Let go of how they will appear!

My next posting will conitnue on this topic, especially Opening to Receive!

Love and Light, Kathy

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Expanding in the New Consciousness Exercise

Yahoo! We are now fully living in the possibility and potential of the New Consciousness. My Guidance (the group that so diligently works with me - even when I am being stubborn) is asking me to explain what this means in this way:

  • We are completing the process of moving through a huge portal and being welcomed in to a time of great learning, healing and ability to access the field of all possibility.
  • The ‘Glass Ceiling’ of our potential that many advanced students of soul expansion have been experiencing is now lifted.
  • We have been so gifted in our ability to access the knowledge, wisdom and guidance of many ethereal kingdoms, such as crystalline wisdom, angelic realms and guides in spirit. With the New Consciousness, our ability to allow the Archangels and Ascended Masters to work with and through us has rapidly opened. Many high vibration Lightworkers are finding a bit physically challenging right now. (They are telling me that this will ‘calm down’ by March of this year).
  • The ability to live in the Field of the Oneness of All is now a tangible reality. You are able to access all that you require on the highest level here. This is truly the time of Fifth Dimensional Consciousness living - and beyond.

Yesterday, three of us met (all Fifth Dimension and beyond vibration) and experienced energy and healing so profound that it left us speechless (and those of you who know me, know that words don’t usually fail me). As each of us climbed on the Reiki table in turn, we experienced realignment, release and reawakening at a greater depth from our core than ever before. What a profound experience of the New Consciousness made real!

My Guidance is giving me this exercise to share with you to assist with your expansion in the New Consciousness. Through nearly twenty years working with this Guidance group, it is clear that if you follow the instructions given, as given, you will gain the maximum results:
  1. Time needed: Minimum 20 minutes.
  2. Sitting in a supportive chair with your feet firmly connected to the ground.
  3. If you have any denser stones or crystals (not black) place them by your feet.
  4. State aloud the intention that you are open to receive.
  5. Imagine roots unfurling from the chakra on the bottom of your feet, behind the ridge of bone at the base of your toes.
  6. Allow them to unfurl in to the earth (simply thinking about this will make it happen). Let it continue until they reach water, a root, or a rock and allow your roots to connect or anchor with it.
  7. Count backwards from twenty slowly, knowing that when you reach zero will be more deeply connected with the Earth Consciousness.
  8. Allow whatever experience you are meant to have to flow in and through you, knowing that it is absolutely what you require for your expansion at this time.

Interesting how the number of steps equals 8 - Infinity!              Love and Light, Kathy