Monday, October 21, 2013

Who'll Stop the Rain?

On Saturday, October 19th, I was thrilled to attend the wedding of one of my Fifth Dimensional Consciousness students. She is an amazing energy worker with a profound connection with nature and beautiful from the inside-out. The location was a rural conference centre on the outskirts of Ottawa called Strathmere,  where I had spoken on several occasions. From these experiences, I knew how the earth energies came together in a very powerful way at Strathmere (though it is not promoted as such).

Ottawa, Canada is the coldest capital city in the world. Holding an outdoor wedding service on the third weekend of October can have its challenges. During the afternoon in my west end neighbourhood, the skies opened up and fall thunderstorm boomed. I immediately moved to action, sending energy, light and pure intention to the unwavering belief that it was not going to rain on their wedding. Arriving at the center, the rain began to fall and the sky was quite ominous, becoming blacker by the minute.
As we sat outside waiting for the service to begin, my intention still remained that it would not rain for them today. I kept telling that to my husband, who had gone to the car for an umbrella. Around me, people complained about the cold, the rain and having to be outside. The more I heard complaints, the further I pulled into my heart center, scanning my energy field to ensure that I was not connected to any negativity. Through connecting with my solar plexus, I felt very rock-solid core strength within myself, and called on nature around me to strengthen the resolve and intention that it was not going to rain today.

Looking to the to the clouds, they continued to darkened and I could hear my left-brain voice telling me that I was crazy and it was not going to help. I used my intention to override that voice, while calling upon Ascended Masters to help. Activating the symbols from Fifth Dimensional Consciousness program and beginning to ‘two- point’ the sky, as learned through Matrix Energetics, moved my intention further into action. So as things appeared bleak, I held my resolve and sensed that Saint Germain was assisting.
My awareness held deep in this intention and I totally believed that another reality was ‘for the highest good’. I was aware that people began to look to the sky. The black clouds shifted direction, the winds calmed and the rain stopped. It actually became slightly warmer. A couple of minutes later, the beautiful service amongst the trees and the fall leaves began, and the weather remained steady.

The bottom-line is that I did not change the weather. I simply held, with all the strength, ability and knowledge available to me, the belief that an alternative reality of a much higher vibration was present. Through my heart and buoyed by my power centre (solar plexus), I accessed the realm of all possibility and was the conduit for a better one showing up!
Additional exercise: Print out this blog, and underline everything you find everything that I used to enable the new reality. You'll find a mini-course on manifesting!

 ~ Love and Light, Kathy