Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The New Freqency of Reiki and Crystals

Forgive me for not blogging in a while - had a 3 month time of being very internal and introspective (with life events keeping me there for a while). The Universe always knows what we require and when - and its timing is impeccable. This gift of time provided me the focus for moving into the final stages of writing Reiki and Crystals: Unleashing the Power of Fire and Ice.  

One of the miracles of Reiki is that every living being can have the Reiki light turned on within and access its limitless possibilities for self and others.  Consider Reiki a spiritual and social revolution. One hundred years ago, we were unaware of Reiki in this form and now there are an estimated 400,000 plus Reiki masters and well over one million practitioners in the world. After the 10,000 years  predominance of masculine energy on the planet, we are experiencing the reawakening of divine feminine on our planet. Reiki's return comes at the same time.  Coincidence? I think not.

Holding the Reiki consciousness is what is required for you to fully unleash the power and wisdom available through working with Reiki and earth energies. Reiki Consciousness means you are fully to and live from Reiki in your being each and every day.  To embrace Reiki in this way you must accept that Reiki is an indefinable, intangible, higher dimensional frequency that your human third-dimensional mind cannot ever fully understand.  Actually, Reiki is not meant to be understood.  It is meant to be trusted, integrated, and activated within you and through you for its higher good and that of others.  Through strengthening your Reiki consciousness you align with your highest self. 

One of the simplest ways to expand your Reiki Consciousness is to keep the words of Dr. Usui in your mind and vision  each and every day.  As he says in his prayer, each morning speak these words and then during the day have these words available to you wherever you go.  You may not always feel connected with the prayer or understand what it really means, yet keep it in your awareness, reading and repeating the words as you can. There is a power embedded in the words of this prayer given to you to strengthen and guide you. There are several, slightly differing forms available of Dr. Usui’s Prayer, yet this is my favorite:

The secret method of inviting blessings.
The spiritual medicine of many illnesses.
For today only anger not, worry not.
Be grateful and humble
Do your work with appreciation.
Be kind to all.
In the morning and at night, with hands held in prayer,
Think this in your mind; chant this with your mouth.
The Usui Reiki Method to change your mind and body for the better
                                                            ~Mikao Usui

 Reiki and Crystals Upcoming Classes

The courses I teach are like no other - I've been given the keys to the New Frequency created by the 5th Dimensional alignment of Reiki and Earth Energies, particularly crystals. 

Next class dates:

Level 1
Date:March 19th and 21st Time:Thursday 6:30, Saturday 10:00 Facilitator:Kathy Glover Scott 

Level 2
Date:Saturday, May 23rd and Tuesday May 26th 
Evenings at 6:30pm, Saturday at 10:00am 
Kathy Glover Scott 

All classes held at Bank and Riverside in Ottawa. 

Visit Reiki Ottawa for more details!