Friday, May 2, 2014

Happy World Healing Day, Saturday May 3rd
Reiki Blessings to YOU!

On Saturday, I’ll be facilitating 6th Dimensional Consciousness Step 2 with five advanced students. At 11:11 we will be meditating as channels for healing energies for the Earth in our region. We will be holding this space, and you can connect with us from wherever you are, consciously aligning with the field of energy that we are enabling. As time is irrelevant, you can meditate/send energy before, during or after with the consciousness of us all working together. (Note: this is not an event at the office – you connect from wherever you are and for as long/much as you are drawn to do).

The sense from my Guidance is that you are to focus on the region where you reside. For those in the Ottawa area, please focus on the Ottawa/Gatineau/Outaouais region. Last evening , we held a Healing Attunement as part of a Reiki 3rd Degree class to open the energy for this for the Ottawa Region .

Happy World Healing Day!!!

Love and Light, Kathy