Friday, August 16, 2013

Reiki to Diffuse the Power of Pain

It sure feels good to have the energy, the focus in the desire to be writing again. Four weeks ago I surrendered to the need for extensive shoulder surgery-the result of an injury incurred caring for my mother, repetitive strain from wreaking treatments and from a fall while hiking on an icy path. Though one’s mind could go on and on trying to figure out the higher meaning for all of this, I realized that it was simply one of those things that happen in life. Of course, there are always lessons and many of mine came through surrendering to the process.

One of the greatest ‘aha moments’ that I’ve experienced through this is that of how all powerful that pain tries to be. After spending 20 years teaching Reiki and other advanced energy work and assisting people with pain, I thought I knew a lot about it. Yet, going through the greatest physical pain of my life (and have given birth twice), provided me with so many insights that I’ll be sharing with you in my next few blogs.

Here are three things I’d like to share with you today:

1) Physical pain is one of the strongest forces on the planet that can impact spiritual growth. For those of you who work with archetypes, you know that they embody a group of characteristics that control behavior usually with the intention to keep a person separate from their core self. Pain is an archetype, and one that will bring the worst out in people. (I believe that I have stayed in my heart center fairly well, though my family will say there were times when a very childlike part of me was in charge).

2) My experience deeply reminded me how powerful Reiki is as a warrior in the face of physical pain. At those times when I could not do Reiki myself, I could feel the force of the Reiki being sent to me by others. At those times when I felt the most helpless, the distance Reiki being sent, allowed me to be calm, feeling nurtured and wrapped in a blanket of love. Thank you all.

3) As healing occurred, I began to actively support my body and address the pain through treatments. Doing this reminded me of how empowering Reiki is, keeping me out of the void of feeling like a victim that I could feel calling at times. I knew that if I went into victims thinking, the pain would be victorious.

My suggestion to you today, is to send distance healing to someone that you know who is in pain. Especially, those people in your life who may be in chronic pain. It is really easy for us as human beings to minimize their experience as we get used to them being that way. And if you have any kind of chronic pain, send Reiki to the root cause within yourself without needing to figure out the source. My next blog will speak further on self-healing.
~ Love and Light, Kathy