Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Essence of Your Soul
One of my Fifth Dimensional Consciousness students recently asked the following question:

I want to know if any spiritual work as well as increasing the vibration and the progress and achievements made in this present life, would follow us to the next lifetime, or we need to learn again because we forget. I am referring to the levels of Reiki and 5th and 6th Dimensional program.

What a great question, and I am guided to share the response with you. (As I write this, I sense a couple of Ascended Masters coming through to assist).

As you come in to this life, your soul is complete and holds all of your past learning and the key to higher realms of consciousness and expanding your gifts. Your third-dimensional or earth-based life is about uncovering, discovering, embracing and learning what you require to live fully from your soul. The essence of your soul is divine light and life is about how you allow that light to shine. When you learn to live an enlightened life, then you live with your soul in charge.

As I am writing this, a continuum is being shown to me. When you enter the world you are pure in your essence yet with a sacred contract to fulfill in this lifetime. At an early age, what you are taught and learn to believe fits intricately with how your sacred contract needs to unfurl in this life. Adolescents can be a time of upheaval for many young people their subconscious begins to recognize the chasm between what they have learned and believe (especially about themselves) juxtaposed with their soul’s genuine path. Much of the angst of adolescence is fuelled by this.

As a youth begins to make adult decisions, opportunities arise that will align them with their soul path and purpose. When they have experienced trauma or challenges or have limited tools as they move in to adulthood, then patterns occur and they can become stuck recreating these patterns through adulthood. Opportunities and people will appear on their path (and on your path) to help you get out of these ‘life loops’, yet they may not be recognized due to the depth of the individual’s life illusions and addictions – and lack of self-awareness. These three elements are keys to living with your soul in charge: 1) the desire and commitment to see life without illusions, 2) release addictive behaviours and beliefs and 3) develop self and spiritual awareness.

When one commits to their own evolution, a light goes on inside. That light shines from the soul. Oliver Wendell Holmes said “Once the mind has been stretched by a new idea, it will never again return to its original size.” The same goes for the soul – a hundred fold. Once the soul light is allowed to shine, the impetus for it to become brighter and brighter through your lifetime is a force that cannot be shut off. You can try (I know I have at times in the past), but it cannot be done.

So, how does this all relate to the original question asked by my student? New consciousness writings often say that the ‘soul is here to learn’. Actually, your soul does not need to learn a thing! It is human beings that need to learn how to live as spiritual beings first and foremost.  The brighter you allow your light to become in this lifetime; your enlightenment path begins where you left off the next lifetime. Your diligence, learning, compassion and ‘brightness’ achieved in this lifetime, follows you to the next. So you may not consciously remember specific tools or techniques in your next life, but your expanded ability to live with your soul light on makes it much easier to remember and learn the next life.

One very simple way to activate and maintain your soul light is to say throughout the day “I give permission for the light of my soul to be the beacon that guides me today. I allow my soul to be in charge.”
The Fifth Dimensional Consciousness Program activates this bright light of your soul in a rapid yet grounded way and expands your gifts and abilities. Step One of this intensive program begins Thursday, May 23rd. Visit http://www.reikiottawa.com/whatReikiDimension5.html for more details.

~ Love and Light, Kathy 

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