Saturday, December 14, 2013

Shifts in the Field and the Impact on You

Over the past few weeks, many Lightworkers have been telling me that they are in a place of struggle and have been asking “what is happening with the energies on the planet”? As I check in with the earth field and with other Lightworker teachers, ‘things’ seem to be relatively calm overall. Though at the same time, the following will shine light on your experience:

1) An Ascended Master is a much evolved spiritual leader, teacher and agent of change. Some have lived human lives, and some have not. A little over a week ago, one of our few earthly Ascended Masters transitioned to a higher realm.  Nelson Mandela is a man who with God found the courage and strength to survive unbearable obstacles and to go forward and be the agent of change for a people, a country, the world AND the field of spiritual consciousness.

As a Lightworker, you are connected with a limitless field of energy. Within this energy, there is consciousness. When there is a huge movement in the energy of the field – as with the passing of Mandela – then you will experience it on some level. This may not be in your conscious thoughts, though you may feel it or it shows up somehow in your life to be addressed.

Are you feeling grief, sadness and loss in your life? What a great opportunity to embrace, feel, move and release old grief that you may still be carrying. And old grief can be like a caustic aggravator of fear. Personal evolution and digging deep inside you are woven together. 

2) To build on the concept that personal evolution and digging deep within yourself go hand in hand, you will move through times that will offer you the opportunity for life changing transition. This may be a time for you!

To move through this time and release old emotions, here are some tools that can assist:
  • Check out your fear level in your body. Our physical self is constructed to react with fear when threatened. An old pattern or emotion rising to the surface can be interpreted as a ‘threat’ by the body. For a Lightworker, it is not a threat but a gift. Consciously think of it this way, and use the tools and techniques that you have learned (REIKI) to stabilize your emotions and nurture yourself.

  • Go to your journal. Write about your feelings and experience. Even though you are writing, know that you are not alone. For a Lightworker, the process of journaling connects you directly to your Guides and gives them direction on what you require. Writing also moves the energy up, through and out your body. Often, angst is amplified by ‘stuck energy’.
  •  Avoid getting crutches. A crutch is a choice that you make to reduce, numb or avoid what you are feeling. We all have obvious crutches, yet choosing them as a balm for your angst will only make it worse and you will revisit what needs to be moved energetically at some point in time. 

  •   Turn to others for assistance as needed. (I know in my early process of healing, I did not do this enough and created more suffering for myself). Choose wisely. Going to neither someone who has not historically been supportive of you nor ‘gets’ that you are as a Lightworker is not a good choice when you are feeling in crisis. Choosing someone who will enable you and allow you to see yourself as a victim is not the best choice either.
  •  Turn to someone who you know is on the Lightworker path, even if you do not know them all that well. We really see each other in times of need and it is built in us to stick together.  If you perceive that there is no one, what is your learning in this? Sounds like it is a wakeup call for you to find a mentor or teacher or become an active part of a Lightworker community.
~ Love and Light, Kathy


  1. Just what I needed to find. Thanks:)

  2. Finding this blog site was my favorite coincidence today:) Just what I needed. Thanks!
