Saturday, July 5, 2014


A Message for Your Arrival!

Blessings to YOU! I've been quiet in this blog for the past month, as I honoured the time of transformation and elevation that I've been experiencing. Its been a time of completion, release and renewal. I suspect if you look back on the past month, you've experienced much of the same.

Connecting with a trusted friend and Guide in the U.K. the other day, he spoke of the great change that is here. This resonated with me at my core, and I knew the message was for more than simply myself. Listening over the past few days has brought great clarity and direction and a message to share with you has come through from Saint Clare of Assisi:

Millenniums have passed since this time was planned. Your presence here is not by chance, nor is your reading of these words. We've seen your struggle and have supported - but not rescued - beyond the veil. It has not been our purpose to rescue, but to keep you safe until this time of great opening.

You are in this time now dear Lightworker. For the next while*** , you have the path open before you. The key to the path is staying in your heart. What will keep you IN your heart and ON the path is being a Warrior against YOUR own fear.

There will always be fear coming towards you from other sources, and 'interferences' that are working to separate you from the Light. (Know that they cannot really separate you ever). Through your 'stuckness' in your own fear and the fear that you accept from others, your ability to see your Light fully erodes and the toxic ego mind can take charge.

Never, never, never forget that you are well loved!

*** while writing the words 'For the next while' I shown a calendar that extends for the next 18 months.

Who is St. Clare of Assisi?

She lived in Italy from July 16, 1194 – August 11, 1253. Born to a very wealthy family, she left it all behind and devoted her life to poverty and service upon hearing St. Francis speak in her town. He recognized her Light, and supported her in her work as a nun and in establishing the 'Order of the Poor Clares'.

Her Sprit remains a powerful source of Warrior energy for us. She was deemed as enabling 2 miracles, both of which saved the town of Assisi.

While researching her life, the photo below popped up and sent chills through me. I recognized it from a prayer card that was dear to me as a child! My sense she has been with me all along....


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